
Powered by 🌱Roam Garden

May 27th, 2021

{{DONE}} 陈左儿抱一抱 06:37

{{DONE}} 左琼拥抱 06:55

{{DONE}} 陈晨拥抱 07:03

{{DONE}} 陈曦 11:59

{{DONE}} {{🧬回顾}}11:37⇥ 11:56--历时19分钟

昨日May 26th, 2021--完成时间11:49

第二日May 25th, 2021--完成时间11:50

第四日May 23rd, 2021--完成时间11:50

第7日May 20th, 2021--完成时间11:56

第15日May 12th, 2021--完成时间11:56


(ns excalidraw.app.beta.v09
   [clojure.set :as s]
   [reagent.core :as r]
   [roam.datascript :as rd]
   [roam.block :as block]
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [clojure.edn :as edn]
   [roam.util :as util]
   [roam.datascript.reactive :as dr]
   [clojure.pprint :as pp]))

(def plugin-version 1)
(def app-page "roam/excalidraw")
(def app-settings-block "Settings")
(def app-setting-uid "Excal_SET")
(def default-app-settings {:mode "light"
                           :img  "SVG"
                           :full-screen-margin 0.015
                           :max-embed-width 600
                           :max-embed-height 400
                           :nested-text-rows 20
                           :nested-text-row-height 40
                           :nested-text-col-width 400
                           :nested-text-start-top 40
                           :nested-text-start-left 320
                           :nested-text-font-size 20
                           :nested-text-font-family 1})
(def app-settings (r/atom default-app-settings))

;; util functions
(def silent (r/atom false))
(defn debug [x]
  (if-not @silent (apply (.-log js/console) "<<< Roam-Excalidraw Main cljs >>>" x)))

(def embedded-view "ev")
(def full-screen-view "fs")
(defn is-full-screen [cs]  ;;component-state
  (not= (:position @cs) embedded-view))

(defn create-block [parent-uid order block-string]
  (.createBlock js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper parent-uid order block-string))

(defn block-update [x]
  (.updateBlock js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper x))

(defn pretty-settings [x]
  (let [y (into (sorted-map) (sort-by first (seq x)))]
    (-> (str y)
          (str/replace "{" "{\n")
          (str/replace ", " "\n")
          (str/replace "}" "\n}"))))

(defn get-next-block-order [x]
  (let [o (rd/q '[:find (max ?o) . 
                  :in $ ?uid
                  :where [?b :block/uid ?uid]
                         [?b :block/children ?c]
                         [?c :block/order ?o]]
    (if (nil? o) 0 (+ 1 o))

(defn save-settings []
  ;;(debug ["(save-settings) Enter"])
  (let [settings-host (r/atom (rd/q '[:find ?uid .
                                     :in $ ?page ?block
                                     :where [?p :node/title ?page]
                                            [?p :block/children ?b]
                                            [?b :block/string ?block]
                                            [?b :block/uid ?uid]]
                                    app-page app-settings-block))]
    (if (nil? @settings-host)
        ;;(debug ["(save-settings) settings host does not exist"])
        (reset! settings-host
            (rd/q '[:find ?uid . 
                    :in $ ?page
                    :where [?p :node/title ?page]
                           [?p :block/uid ?uid]]
            3 app-settings-block))))
    (let [settings-block (r/atom (rd/q '[:find ?uid .
                                         :in $ ?settings-host
                                         :where [?b :block/uid ?settings-host]
                                                [?b :block/children ?c]
                                                [?c :block/order 0]
                                                [?c :block/uid ?uid]]
      (if (nil? @settings-block)
          ;;(debug ["(save-settings) settings-block does not exist"])
          (create-block @settings-host 0 (pretty-settings @app-settings)))
          ;;(debug ["(save-settings) settings-block exists, updating"])
          (block-update {:block {:uid @settings-block 
                                 :string (pretty-settings @app-settings)}}))))))

(defn js-to-clj-str [& x]
  ;;(debug ["(js-to-clj-str): x: " x (str x)])
  (let [res (-> x
              (str/replace #"\(#js"  "")
              (str/replace #"#js" "")
              (str/replace #"\}\}\)" "}}"))]

(defn fix-double-bracket [x]
  (str/replace x #"\[{2}" "[ ["))

(defn get-data-block-uid [x]
  (rd/q '[:find ?drawing-uid .
          :in $ ?uid
          :where [?e :block/uid ?uid]
                  [?e :block/children ?c]
                  [?c :block/order 0]
                  [?c :block/string ?s]
                  [(clojure.string/includes? ?s "((ExcalDATA))")]
                  [?c :block/uid ?drawing-uid]]

(defn pull-children [block-uid order]
  (rd/q '[:find (pull ?b [:block/uid :block/string {:block/children [:block/string :block/order :block/uid {:block/children ...}]}])
                                         :in $ ?block-uid ?order
                                         :where [?e :block/uid ?block-uid]
                                                [?e :block/children ?b]
                                                [?b :block/order ?order]]
                                         block-uid order))

(defn flatten-nested-text [nested-text level] 
  (let [result (atom nil)]
    (doseq [y nested-text]
      (let [order (str/join [level (pp/cl-format nil "~2,'0d" (:block/order y))])]
        (reset! result (conj @result {:block/string (:block/string y)
                                       :block/order order
                                       :block/uid (:block/uid y)}))
        (if-not (nil? (:block/children y)) 
          (reset! result (concat @result (flatten-nested-text (:block/children y) order))))
    ;;(debug ["flat-nest " (str @result)])
     (into [] (sort-by :block/order @result))

(defn get-text-blocks [x]
  (-> x
    (pull-children 1)
    (get-in [0 :block/children])
    (flatten-nested-text "")))

(defn get-text-elements [x]
  (filter (comp #{"text"} :type) x)

(defn get-block-uid-from-text-element [x]
  (second (re-find #"ROAM_(.*)_ROAM" (:id x)))

;;updates the :elements value of the drawing with nested text and updated object groups
(defn update-elements-with-parts [x] {:raw-elements [] :text-elements [] :groups []}
  (into [] (concat (into [] (remove (comp #{"text"} :type) (:raw-elements x)))  (:text-elements x)))

;;{:block-uid "BlockUID" :map-string "String" :cs atom :drawing atom}
(defn save-component [x] 
  ;;Disable the pullWatch while blocks are edited
  (reset! (:saving-flag x) true) 
  ;;(debug ["(save-component) Enter"])

  (let [data-block-uid (get-data-block-uid (:block-uid x))
        edn-map (edn/read-string (:map-string x))
        text-elements (r/atom nil)
        ;;get text blocks nested under title
        nestedtext-parent-block-uid (get-in @(:drawing x) [:nestedtext-parent :block-uid])
        nested-text-blocks (get-text-blocks (:block-uid x)) 
        app-state (into {} (filter (comp some? val) (:appState edn-map)))] ;;remove nil elements from appState
    ;;process text on drawing
    ;;(debug ["(save-component) start processing text"])
    (doseq [y (get-text-elements (:elements edn-map))]
      (if (:isDeleted y)
        (if (str/starts-with? (:id y) "ROAM_")
          (block/delete {:block {:uid (get-block-uid-from-text-element y)}})
        (if (str/starts-with? (:id y) "ROAM_")
          (do ;;block with text should already exist, update text, but double check that the block is there...
            ;;(debug ["(save-component) nested block should exist text:" (:text y) "block-id" (get-block-uid-from-text-element y)])
            (let [text-block-uid (get-block-uid-from-text-element y)
                  nested-block (filter (comp #{text-block-uid} :block/uid) nested-text-blocks)]
              (if-not (= 0 (count nested-block))
                (do ;;block exists
                  ;;(debug ["(save-component) block exists, updateing"])
                  (if-not (= (:block/string (first nested-block)) (:text y))
                    (block-update {:block {:uid text-block-uid :string (:text y)}}))
                  (reset! text-elements (conj @text-elements y))
                (do ;block no-longer exists, create new one
                  ;;(debug ["(save-component) block should, but does not exist, creating..."])
                  (let [new-block-uid (.createBlock js/ExcalidrawWrapper nestedtext-parent-block-uid (get-next-block-order nestedtext-parent-block-uid) (:text y))]
                    (reset! text-elements (conj @text-elements (assoc-in y [:id] (str/join ["ROAM_" new-block-uid "_ROAM"]))))
          (do ;;block with text does not exist as nested block, create new
            ;;(debug ["(save-component) block does not exists, creating"])
            (let [new-block-uid (.createBlock js/ExcalidrawWrapper nestedtext-parent-block-uid (get-next-block-order nestedtext-parent-block-uid) (:text y))]
              (reset! text-elements (conj @text-elements (assoc-in y [:id] (str/join ["ROAM_" new-block-uid "_ROAM"])))) 
              (reset! text-elements (conj @text-elements (assoc-in y [:isDeleted] true))) 

    ;;(debug ["(save-component) text-blocks with updated IDs" (str @text-elements)])
    ;;updating the data block is the final piece in saving the component
    (let [elements (update-elements-with-parts {:raw-elements (:elements edn-map) :text-elements @text-elements})  
          out-string (fix-double-bracket (str {:elements elements :appState app-state :roamExcalidraw {:version plugin-version}}))
          render-string (str/join ["{{roam/render: ((ExcalDATA)) " out-string " }}"])]
        {:block {:uid data-block-uid
                :string render-string}}) 
      (swap! app-settings assoc-in [:mode] (get-in app-state [:theme]))
      (reset! (:saving-flag x) false)
      {:elements elements :appState app-state :roamExcalidraw {:version plugin-version}}                                      

(defn load-settings []
  ;;(debug ["(load-settings) Enter"])
  (let [settings-block (rd/q '[:find ?settings .
                              :in $ ?page ?block
                              :where [?p :node/title ?page]
                                     [?p :block/children ?b]
                                     [?b :block/string ?block]
                                     [?b :block/children ?c]
                                     [?c :block/order 0]
                                     [?c :block/string ?settings]]
                            app-page app-settings-block)]
    (if-not (nil? settings-block)
        ;;(debug ["(load-settings) settings: " settings-block])
        (reset! app-settings (edn/read-string settings-block))
        (if (nil? @app-settings)
          (reset! app-settings default-app-settings))
        (doseq [key (keys default-app-settings)]
          (if (nil? (key @app-settings))
            (swap! app-settings assoc-in [key] (key default-app-settings))))))))

;; Load data from nested block(s)

;;finds the json enclosed in double parentheses and returns it
(defn get-data-from-block-string [x]
  ;;(debug ["(get-data-from-block-string)" (count x)])
  (if (= (count x) 0)
      ;;(debug ["(get-data-from-block-string) returning nil"])
      (let [data-string (get-in (first x) [0 :block/string])
            return-string (second (re-find #"ExcalDATA\){2}\s*(\{.*\})\s*\}{2}" data-string))]
        ;;;(debug ["(get-data-from-block-string) returning: " retrun-string])
        (edn/read-string return-string)))))

(defn create-nested-blocks [x]; {:block-uid "BlockUID" :drawing atom :empty-block-uid "BlockUID"}
;;block uid is the block of the roam/render component
;;empty block is the block created by the user by trying to nest text under 
;;a new drawing that hasn't been edited yet (i.e. the data and title children
;;are missing)
  ;;(debug ["(create-nested-blocks)"])
  (let [default-data {:appState {:theme (:mode @app-settings)}
                      :roamExcalidraw {:version 1}}]
    (create-block (:block-uid x) 0 (str/join ["{{roam/render: ((ExcalDATA)) "
                                (str default-data) " }}"]))
    (reset! (:drawing x) {:drawing default-data 
                          :nestedtext-parent {:block-uid (create-block (:block-uid x) 1 "**Text nested here will appear on your drawing:**")}})
    (if (nil? (:empty-block-uid x)) 
      (block-update {:block {:uid (:block-uid x) :open false}}) ;;fold up the drawing block to hide children
      (block/move {:location {:parent-uid (get-in @(:drawing x) [:nestedtext-parent :block-uid]) ;;move new block under nested text
                            :order 0}
                 :block {:uid (:empty-block-uid x)}}))

(defn load-drawing [x] ;{:block-uid "BlockUID" :drawing atom :data objects :text "text"} 
;drawing is the atom holding the drawing map
;block uid is the block with the roam/render component
;data are the drawing objects
;text are the nested text blocks
  ;;(debug ["(load-drawing) enter"])
  (if (= (count (:data x)) 0)
        ;;(debug ["(load-drawing) no children - creating dummy data"])
        (let [default-data {:appState {:theme (:mode @app-settings)}
                            :roamExcalidraw {:version 1}}]
          (reset! (:drawing x) {:drawing default-data 
                                :nestedtext-parent {:block-uid nil}})
      (if (= (count (:text x)) 0)
          ;;(debug ["(load-drawing) create title only"])
          (reset! (:drawing x) {:drawing (:data x)
                                :nestedtext-parent {:block-uid (create-block (:block-uid x) 1 "**Text nested here will appear on your drawing:**")}})
          (block-update {:block {:uid (:block-uid x) :open false}})
          ;;(debug ["(load-drawing) ExcalDATA & title already exist"])
          (reset! (:drawing x) {:drawing (:data x)
                                :nestedtext-parent {:block-uid  (get-in (:text x) [0 :block/uid])}
                                :text (get-in (:text x) [0 :block/children])})
  ;;(debug ["(load-drawing) drawing: " @(:drawing x) " data: " (:data x) " text: " (str (:text x)) "theme " (get-in (:data x) [:appState :theme])])

;;check if text in nested block has changed compared to drawing and updated text in drawing element including size
(defn update-drawing-based-on-nested-blocks [x] ;{:elements [] :appState {} :nested-text [:block/uid "BlockUID" :block/string "text"]}
  ;;(debug ["(update-drawing-based-on-nested-blocks) Enter x:" x])
  (if-not (nil? (:nested-text x)) 
      (let [text-elements (r/atom nil)
            nested-text (flatten-nested-text (:nested-text x) "")]   
      ;;(debug ["(update-drawing-based-on-nested-blocks) processing nested text - apply changes to existing text elements, omit deleted ones"])
        ;;update elements on drawing based on changes to nested text
        (doseq [y (get-text-elements (:elements x))]
          (let [block-uid (get-block-uid-from-text-element y)
                block-text (:block/string (first (filter (comp #{block-uid} :block/uid) nested-text)))
                text-element-has-nested-block-pair (= 0 (count (filter (comp #{block-uid} :block/uid) nested-text)))]
            ;;add text to drawing if text element has a nested block pair, 
            (if (not text-element-has-nested-block-pair)  
                ;if text has changed, update measures
                (if-not (= block-text (:text y)) 
                  (let [text-measures (js->clj (.measureText js/ExcalidrawWrapper block-text y))]
                    (reset! text-elements 
                              (conj @text-elements 
                                      (-> y 
                                        (assoc-in [:text] block-text)
                                        (assoc-in [:baseline] (get text-measures "baseline"))
                                        (assoc-in [:width] (get text-measures "width"))
                                        (assoc-in [:height] (get text-measures "height"))
                  ;;else add to list as-is 
                  (reset! text-elements (conj @text-elements y))))
              ;;else it should be removed from the drawing
              ;;unless the drawing is from an old version of the plugin when nested blocks weren't handled
              (if (< (get-in x [:roamExcalidraw :version]) 1) 
                (reset! text-elements (conj @text-elements y)))
        ;;(debug ["(update-drawing-based-on-nested-blocks) processing nested text - add new nested blocks"])
        ;;add text for newly nested blocks
        (let [counter (atom -1)]
          (doseq [nt nested-text]
            (swap! counter inc)
            (let [text (:block/string nt)
                  dummy {:fontFamily (:nested-text-font-family @app-settings) 
                        :fontSize (:nested-text-font-size @app-settings)}
                  order (:block/order nt)
                  id (:block/uid nt)]
              (if (= 0 (count (filter (comp #{(str/join ["ROAM_" (:block/uid nt) "_ROAM"])} :id) @text-elements)))
                (let [col (int (/ @counter (:nested-text-rows @app-settings)))
                      row (mod @counter (:nested-text-rows @app-settings))
                      x (+ (:nested-text-start-left @app-settings) (* col (:nested-text-col-width @app-settings)))
                      y (+ (:nested-text-start-top @app-settings) (* row (:nested-text-row-height @app-settings)))  
                      text-measures (js->clj (.measureText js/ExcalidrawWrapper text dummy))]
                  ;;(debug ["(update-drawing-based-on-nested-blocks) add new: text" text "id" id])
                  (reset! text-elements 
                            (conj @text-elements 
                                  {:y y
                                    :baseline (get text-measures "baseline")
                                    :isDeleted false
                                    :strokeStyle "solid":roughness 1
                                    :width (get text-measures "width")
                                    :type "text"
                                    :strokeSharpness "sharp"
                                    :fillStyle "hachure"
                                    :angle 0
                                    :groupIds []
                                    :seed 1
                                    :fontFamily (:nested-text-font-family @app-settings)
                                    :boundElementIds []
                                    :strokeWidth 1
                                    :opacity 100
                                    :id (str/join ["ROAM_" id "_ROAM"])
                                    :verticalAlign "top"
                                    :strokeColor "#000000"
                                    :textAlign "left"
                                    :x (+ x (* 5 (count order)))
                                    :fontSize (:nested-text-font-size @app-settings)
                                    :version 1
                                    :backgroundColor "transparent"
                                    :versionNonce 1
                                    :height (get text-measures "height")
                                    :text text}))                                

        {:elements (update-elements-with-parts {:raw-elements (:elements x) :text-elements @text-elements})
        :appState (:appState x)}
    {:elements (:elements x) :appState (:appState x)}

(defn generate-scene [x] ;{:drawing atom}]
  ;;(debug ["(generate-scene) enter" x])
  (update-drawing-based-on-nested-blocks {:elements (:elements (:drawing @(:drawing x)))
                                                      :appState (:appState (:drawing @(:drawing x)))
                                                      :nested-text (:text @(:drawing x))
                                                      :roamExcalidraw (:roamExcalidraw (:drawing @(:drawing x)))}))

;; Main Function Form-3
(defn resize [ew]
  ;;(debug ["(resize)"])
  (if-not (nil? @ew) (.onResize @ew)))

(defn update-scene [ew scene]
  ;;(debug ["(update-scene) scene: " scene])
  (if-not (nil? @ew) (.updateScene @ew scene)))

(defn get-drawing [ew]
  ;;(debug ["(get-drawing): " (.getDrawing js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper @ew)])
  (.getDrawing js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper @ew))

(defn host-div-style [cs]
  (let [width    (.-innerWidth js/window)
        height   (.-innerHeight js/window)
        top      (int (* height (:full-screen-margin @app-settings)))
        left     (int (* width (:full-screen-margin @app-settings)))
        host-div-width (if (nil? (:this-dom-node @cs)) (:max-embed-width @app-settings)
                         (.getHostDIVWidth js/ExcalidrawWrapper (:this-dom-node @cs)))
        embed-width (if (> host-div-width (:max-embed-width @app-settings)) 
                      (:max-embed-width @app-settings) host-div-width)
        embed-height (* (:max-embed-height @app-settings) (/ embed-width (:max-embed-width @app-settings)))
        ar (:aspect-ratio @cs)
        w (if (nil? ar) embed-width 
            (if (> ar 1.0) embed-width
              (* ar embed-height)))
        h (if (nil? ar @cs) "100%" 
            (if (> ar 1.0) "100%" 
              embed-height  ))]
    (if (is-full-screen cs)
      {:position "fixed"
      :z-index 1000
      :top top
      :left left
      :width  (str/join ["calc(100% - " (* left 2) "px)"]) 
      :height (- height (* top 2))
      :resize "none"}
      {:position "relative"
      :width w
      :height h
      :resize "both"
      :overflow "hidden"}

(defn going-full-screen? [x cs style]
  (if (= x true)
      (.fullScreenKeyboardEventRedirect js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper true)
      (swap! cs assoc-in [:position] full-screen-view)
      (swap! style assoc-in [:host-div] (host-div-style cs))
      (swap! cs assoc-in [:mouseover] false))
      (.fullScreenKeyboardEventRedirect js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper false)
      (swap! cs assoc-in [:position] embedded-view)
      (swap! style assoc-in [:host-div] (host-div-style cs)))))

;;state to capture when callback confirms React libraries have loaded
(def deps-available (r/atom false))

(defn check-js-dependencies []
  (if (and 
       (not= (str (type js/Excalidraw)) "")
       (not= (str (type js/ReactDOM)) "")
       (not= (str (type js/React)) "")
       (not= (str (type js/ExcalidrawConfig)) "")
       (not= (str (type js/ExcalidrawWrapper)) ""))
    (do (reset! silent (not (.-DEBUG js/ExcalidrawConfig)))
      (reset! deps-available true))
    (js/setTimeout check-js-dependencies 1000)
(defn get-embed-image [drawing dom-node app-name]
  (if (= (:img @app-settings) "PNG")
    (.getPNG js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper drawing dom-node app-name)
    (.getSVG js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper drawing dom-node app-name)

(defn main [{:keys [block-uid]} & args]
  ;;(debug ["(main) component starting..."])
  (let [drawing (r/atom nil)
        cs (r/atom {:position embedded-view  ;;component-state
                    :this-dom-node nil
                    :aspect-ratio nil
                    :mouseover false
                    :prev-empty-block nil}) ;; this is a semaphore system to avoid creating double nested blocks when manually creating the first nested element
        saving-flag (atom false)
        pull-watch-active (atom false)
        ew (r/atom nil) ;;excalidraw-wrapper
        app-name (str/join ["excalidraw-app-" block-uid])
        style (r/atom {:host-div (host-div-style cs)})
        resize-handler (fn [] (if (is-full-screen cs) 
                                (swap! style assoc-in [:host-div] (host-div-style cs))  
                                (if-not (nil? (:this-dom-node @cs)) 
                                  (swap! style assoc-in [:host-div] (host-div-style cs)))))
        ;changed-drawing (atom nil)
        drawing-on-change-callback (fn [x] (if-not @saving-flag
                                               {:block-uid block-uid 
                                                :map-string (js-to-clj-str x) 
                                                :cs cs
                                                :drawing drawing
                                                :saving-flag saving-flag}))))
        pull-watch-callback (fn [before after]
                              ;;(debug ["(pull-watch-callback) after:" (js-to-clj-str after)])
                              (if-not (or @saving-flag (is-full-screen cs) @pull-watch-active)
                                  (reset! pull-watch-active true)
                                  (let [drawing-data (pull-children block-uid 0)
                                        drawing-text (pull-children block-uid 1)
                                        empty-block-uid (re-find #":block/uid \"(.*)\", (:block/string \"\")" (str drawing-data))] ;check if user has nested a block under a new drawing
                                    (if-not (nil? empty-block-uid)
                                      (if-not (= (second empty-block-uid) (:prev-empty-block @cs))
                                          (swap! cs assoc-in [:prev-empty-block] (second empty-block-uid)) ;;semaphore to avoid double creation of blocks
                                          (create-nested-blocks {:block-uid block-uid 
                                                                  :drawing drawing 
                                                                  :empty-block-uid (second empty-block-uid)})
                                    (load-drawing {:block-uid block-uid 
                                                  :drawing drawing 
                                                  :data (get-data-from-block-string drawing-data) 
                                                  :text (first drawing-text)})
                                    (if-not (is-full-screen cs)
                                        (swap! cs assoc-in [:aspect-ratio] (get-embed-image (generate-scene {:drawing drawing}) (:this-dom-node @cs) app-name))
                                        (swap! style assoc-in [:host-div] (host-div-style cs)))))
                                  (reset! pull-watch-active false)
    (if (= @deps-available false)
    [:div "Libraries have not yet loaded. Please refresh the block in a moment."]
    (fn []
      ;;(debug ["(main) fn[] starting..."])
      { :display-name "Excalidraw Roam Beta"
        ;; Constructor
;           :constructor (fn [this props])
;           :get-initial-state (fn [this] )
        ;; Static methods
;           :get-derived-state-from-props (fn [props state] )
;           :get-derived-state-from-error (fn [error] )
        ;; Methods
;          :get-snapshot-before-update (fn [this old-argv new-argv] )
;          :should-component-update (fn [this old-argv new-argv])
        :component-did-mount (fn [this]
                                ;;(debug ["(main) :component-did-mount"])
                                (swap! cs assoc-in [:this-dom-node] (r/dom-node this))
                                ;;(debug ["(main) :component-did-mount addPullWatch"])
                                (.addPullWatch js/ExcalidrawWrapper block-uid pull-watch-callback)
                                (pull-watch-callback nil nil)
                                (swap! style assoc-in [:host-div] (host-div-style cs))
                                (.addEventListener js/window "resize" resize-handler)
                                ;;(debug ["(main) :component-did-mount Exalidraw mount initiated"])
        :component-did-update (fn [this old-argv old-state snapshot]
                                ;;(debug ["(main) :component-did-update"])
                                (if (is-full-screen cs)
                                  (resize ew)))
        :component-will-unmount (fn [this]
                                  ;;(debug ["(main) :component-will-unmount"])
                                  (.removePullWatch js/ExcalidrawWrapper block-uid pull-watch-callback)
                                  (.removeEventListener js/window "resize" resize-handler))
;           :component-did-catch (fn [this error info])
        :reagent-render (fn [{:keys [block-uid]} & args]
                          ;;(debug ["(main) :reagent-render"])
                            {:class "excalidraw-host"
                              :style (:host-div @style)
                              :on-mouse-over (fn[e] (swap! cs assoc-in [:mouseover] true))
                              :on-mouse-leave (fn[e] (swap! cs assoc-in [:mouseover] false)) }
                            (if-not (is-full-screen cs)
                                {:class "ex-embed-button"
                                :style {:display (if (:mouseover @cs) "block" "none")
                                        :left (if-not (nil? (:this-dom-node @cs)) 
                                                (- (.-clientWidth (:this-dom-node @cs)) 32) 
                                :draggable true
                                :on-click (fn [e]
                                            (going-full-screen? true cs style)
                                            (if (nil? (get-in @drawing [:nestedtext-parent :block-uid])) 
                                              (create-nested-blocks {:block-uid block-uid 
                                                                      :drawing drawing 
                                                                      :empty-block-uid nil}))
                                            (reset! ew (js/ExcalidrawWrapper.
                                                        (generate-scene {:drawing drawing})
                                                        (:this-dom-node @cs)
                                                        drawing-on-change-callback ))
                                                        ;(js/setTimeout autosave 10000)
                                {:class "ex-fullscreen-button"
                                :style {:left (- (.-clientWidth (:this-dom-node @cs)) 32)}
                                :draggable true
                                :on-click (fn [e]
                                            (.svgClipboard js/ExcalidrawWrapper)
                                            (going-full-screen? false cs style)
                                            (save-component {:block-uid block-uid 
                                                              :map-string (js-to-clj-str (get-drawing ew))
                                                              :cs cs
                                                              :drawing drawing
                                                              :saving-flag saving-flag})
                                            (swap! cs assoc-in [:aspect-ratio] (get-embed-image (get-drawing ew) (:this-dom-node @cs) app-name))
                              {:id app-name
                              :style {:position "relative" :width "100%" :height "100%"}}


{:appState {:currentItemFontFamily 1, :isBindingEnabled true, :currentItemRoughness 1, :zoom {:value 0.7, :translation {:x 291.30000000000007, :y 142.50000000000006}}, :zenModeEnabled false, :lastPointerDownWith "mouse", :isLibraryOpen false, :scrollX 0, :scrolledOutside false, :scrollY 0, :exportBackground true, :showStats false, :suggestedBindings [], :name "Untitled-2021-05-27-1942", :viewBackgroundColor "ffffff", :currentItemFillStyle "hachure", :width 1242, :shouldCacheIgnoreZoom false, :currentItemStrokeSharpness "sharp", :selectedGroupIds {}, :isRotating false, :pasteDialog {:shown false, :data nil}, :offsetLeft 19, :currentItemStrokeWidth 1, :currentItemBackgroundColor "transparent", :elementType "selection", :offsetTop 9, :theme "light", :exportWithDarkMode false, :currentItemTextAlign "left", :currentItemLinearStrokeSharpness "round", :currentItemOpacity 100, :exportEmbedScene false, :currentItemStrokeColor "000000", :isLoading false, :currentItemFontSize 20, :elementLocked false, :currentChartType "bar", :shouldAddWatermark false, :currentItemEndArrowhead "arrow", :previousSelectedElementIds {:aYqYr3QsAxwpX0vhk8bfd true}, :viewModeEnabled false, :isResizing false, :showHelpDialog false, :height 598, :currentItemStrokeStyle "solid", :cursorButton "up"}, :roamExcalidraw {:version 1}, :elements [{:y 82.70471409388952, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 99.57162475585935, :type "rectangle", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 568625327, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "JtJ3bqXOu1ZrYoDXfWLlr", :strokeColor "000000", :x -97.84824916294644, :version 342, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 1419710241, :height 287.85975646972656} {:y 184.91382053920202, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 117.86285400390624, :type "rectangle", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1725443503, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "ocAusE8o_hChaUHWcJ_Gi", :strokeColor "000000", :x 3.06352451869418, :version 308, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 334868335, :height 185.2922821044922} {:y 266.40831211635043, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 140.64251708984378, :type "rectangle", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1607633409, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "kmXfsHku6pgBX0UKWJKOR", :strokeColor "000000", :x 122.3938773018973, :version 308, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 319980289, :height 100.76916503906251} {:y 309.4005911690848, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 123.51800537109375, :type "rectangle", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1947280193, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "z3ywEZH2ya9S7qoX_ZE3x", :strokeColor "000000", :x 264.1438773018973, :version 190, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 1066133903, :height 56.534515380859375} {:y 349.0680367606026, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 0.9441266741071672, :type "arrow", :startArrowhead nil, :endArrowhead "arrow", :points [ [0 0][-0.9441266741071672 -232.37919398716517]], :strokeSharpness "round", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 189681135, :startBinding nil, :lastCommittedPoint nil, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "tAJY5rvFVpRcQqmumtCZt", :strokeColor "000000", :x 421.60904366629455, :version 71, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 1431520335, :endBinding nil, :height 232.37919398716517} {:y 191.71428571428564, :baseline 21, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 35, :type "text", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1911469391, :fontFamily 1, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "ROAM_CTpZs1L6G_ROAM", :verticalAlign "top", :strokeColor "000000", :textAlign "left", :x 518.1428571428571, :fontSize 20, :version 13, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 1177562639, :height 28, :text "14条"} {:y 331.3628714425223, :baseline 21, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 240, :type "text", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 54009889, :fontFamily 1, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "ROAM_y0jj6cmjQ_ROAM", :verticalAlign "top", :strokeColor "000000", :textAlign "left", :x 438.94227818080356, :fontSize 20, :version 80, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 982974447, :height 28, :text "从第二十六条到第三十九条"} {:y 323.30577305385043, :baseline 21, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 100, :type "text", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 2014419183, :fontFamily 1, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "ROAM_wQGjBKOSH_ROAM", :verticalAlign "top", :strokeColor "000000", :textAlign "left", :x 274.37672642299106, :fontSize 20, :version 110, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 564262561, :height 28, :text "第二节监护"} {:y 321.2660696847098, :baseline 21, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 120, :type "text", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1394981985, :fontFamily 1, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "ROAM_FluMK_jFs_ROAM", :verticalAlign "top", :strokeColor "000000", :textAlign "left", :x 132.88734654017856, :fontSize 20, :version 158, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 1832653263, :height 28, :text "第二章自然人"} {:y 296.2183401925223, :baseline 21, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 100, :type "text", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1271869057, :fontFamily 1, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "ROAM_YA_866pHv_ROAM", :verticalAlign "top", :strokeColor "000000", :textAlign "left", :x 12.368242536272305, :fontSize 20, :version 119, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 2013034177, :height 28, :text "第一编总则"} {:y 275.79908970424106, :baseline 21, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 100, :type "text", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1476751119, :fontFamily 1, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "ROAM_3jup6TF6c_ROAM", :verticalAlign "top", :strokeColor "000000", :textAlign "left", :x -99.31867762974332, :fontSize 20, :version 92, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 748019631, :height 28, :text "《民法典》"} {:y 272.17904227120533, :baseline 21, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 441, :type "text", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1244827951, :fontFamily 1, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "ROAM_a30o2U3Jr_ROAM", :verticalAlign "top", :strokeColor "000000", :textAlign "left", :x 444.5130615234375, :fontSize 20, :version 158, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 2033905505, :height 28, :text "从父母子女之间的法律义务到监护关系终止的情形"} {:y 104.73661586216508, :baseline 21, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 220, :type "text", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 972633679, :fontFamily 1, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "ROAM_qRVTc3R6I_ROAM", :verticalAlign "top", :strokeColor "000000", :textAlign "left", :x 437.23692103794633, :fontSize 20, :version 90, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 959504353, :height 28, :text "第三十四条,监护原则。"}]} }}

Text nested here will appear on your drawing:









(ns excalidraw.app.beta.v09
   [clojure.set :as s]
   [reagent.core :as r]
   [roam.datascript :as rd]
   [roam.block :as block]
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [clojure.edn :as edn]
   [roam.util :as util]
   [roam.datascript.reactive :as dr]
   [clojure.pprint :as pp]))

(def plugin-version 1)
(def app-page "roam/excalidraw")
(def app-settings-block "Settings")
(def app-setting-uid "Excal_SET")
(def default-app-settings {:mode "light"
                           :img  "SVG"
                           :full-screen-margin 0.015
                           :max-embed-width 600
                           :max-embed-height 400
                           :nested-text-rows 20
                           :nested-text-row-height 40
                           :nested-text-col-width 400
                           :nested-text-start-top 40
                           :nested-text-start-left 320
                           :nested-text-font-size 20
                           :nested-text-font-family 1})
(def app-settings (r/atom default-app-settings))

;; util functions
(def silent (r/atom false))
(defn debug [x]
  (if-not @silent (apply (.-log js/console) "<<< Roam-Excalidraw Main cljs >>>" x)))

(def embedded-view "ev")
(def full-screen-view "fs")
(defn is-full-screen [cs]  ;;component-state
  (not= (:position @cs) embedded-view))

(defn create-block [parent-uid order block-string]
  (.createBlock js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper parent-uid order block-string))

(defn block-update [x]
  (.updateBlock js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper x))

(defn pretty-settings [x]
  (let [y (into (sorted-map) (sort-by first (seq x)))]
    (-> (str y)
          (str/replace "{" "{\n")
          (str/replace ", " "\n")
          (str/replace "}" "\n}"))))

(defn get-next-block-order [x]
  (let [o (rd/q '[:find (max ?o) . 
                  :in $ ?uid
                  :where [?b :block/uid ?uid]
                         [?b :block/children ?c]
                         [?c :block/order ?o]]
    (if (nil? o) 0 (+ 1 o))

(defn save-settings []
  ;;(debug ["(save-settings) Enter"])
  (let [settings-host (r/atom (rd/q '[:find ?uid .
                                     :in $ ?page ?block
                                     :where [?p :node/title ?page]
                                            [?p :block/children ?b]
                                            [?b :block/string ?block]
                                            [?b :block/uid ?uid]]
                                    app-page app-settings-block))]
    (if (nil? @settings-host)
        ;;(debug ["(save-settings) settings host does not exist"])
        (reset! settings-host
            (rd/q '[:find ?uid . 
                    :in $ ?page
                    :where [?p :node/title ?page]
                           [?p :block/uid ?uid]]
            3 app-settings-block))))
    (let [settings-block (r/atom (rd/q '[:find ?uid .
                                         :in $ ?settings-host
                                         :where [?b :block/uid ?settings-host]
                                                [?b :block/children ?c]
                                                [?c :block/order 0]
                                                [?c :block/uid ?uid]]
      (if (nil? @settings-block)
          ;;(debug ["(save-settings) settings-block does not exist"])
          (create-block @settings-host 0 (pretty-settings @app-settings)))
          ;;(debug ["(save-settings) settings-block exists, updating"])
          (block-update {:block {:uid @settings-block 
                                 :string (pretty-settings @app-settings)}}))))))

(defn js-to-clj-str [& x]
  ;;(debug ["(js-to-clj-str): x: " x (str x)])
  (let [res (-> x
              (str/replace #"\(#js"  "")
              (str/replace #"#js" "")
              (str/replace #"\}\}\)" "}}"))]

(defn fix-double-bracket [x]
  (str/replace x #"\[{2}" "[ ["))

(defn get-data-block-uid [x]
  (rd/q '[:find ?drawing-uid .
          :in $ ?uid
          :where [?e :block/uid ?uid]
                  [?e :block/children ?c]
                  [?c :block/order 0]
                  [?c :block/string ?s]
                  [(clojure.string/includes? ?s "((ExcalDATA))")]
                  [?c :block/uid ?drawing-uid]]

(defn pull-children [block-uid order]
  (rd/q '[:find (pull ?b [:block/uid :block/string {:block/children [:block/string :block/order :block/uid {:block/children ...}]}])
                                         :in $ ?block-uid ?order
                                         :where [?e :block/uid ?block-uid]
                                                [?e :block/children ?b]
                                                [?b :block/order ?order]]
                                         block-uid order))

(defn flatten-nested-text [nested-text level] 
  (let [result (atom nil)]
    (doseq [y nested-text]
      (let [order (str/join [level (pp/cl-format nil "~2,'0d" (:block/order y))])]
        (reset! result (conj @result {:block/string (:block/string y)
                                       :block/order order
                                       :block/uid (:block/uid y)}))
        (if-not (nil? (:block/children y)) 
          (reset! result (concat @result (flatten-nested-text (:block/children y) order))))
    ;;(debug ["flat-nest " (str @result)])
     (into [] (sort-by :block/order @result))

(defn get-text-blocks [x]
  (-> x
    (pull-children 1)
    (get-in [0 :block/children])
    (flatten-nested-text "")))

(defn get-text-elements [x]
  (filter (comp #{"text"} :type) x)

(defn get-block-uid-from-text-element [x]
  (second (re-find #"ROAM_(.*)_ROAM" (:id x)))

;;updates the :elements value of the drawing with nested text and updated object groups
(defn update-elements-with-parts [x] {:raw-elements [] :text-elements [] :groups []}
  (into [] (concat (into [] (remove (comp #{"text"} :type) (:raw-elements x)))  (:text-elements x)))

;;{:block-uid "BlockUID" :map-string "String" :cs atom :drawing atom}
(defn save-component [x] 
  ;;Disable the pullWatch while blocks are edited
  (reset! (:saving-flag x) true) 
  ;;(debug ["(save-component) Enter"])

  (let [data-block-uid (get-data-block-uid (:block-uid x))
        edn-map (edn/read-string (:map-string x))
        text-elements (r/atom nil)
        ;;get text blocks nested under title
        nestedtext-parent-block-uid (get-in @(:drawing x) [:nestedtext-parent :block-uid])
        nested-text-blocks (get-text-blocks (:block-uid x)) 
        app-state (into {} (filter (comp some? val) (:appState edn-map)))] ;;remove nil elements from appState
    ;;process text on drawing
    ;;(debug ["(save-component) start processing text"])
    (doseq [y (get-text-elements (:elements edn-map))]
      (if (:isDeleted y)
        (if (str/starts-with? (:id y) "ROAM_")
          (block/delete {:block {:uid (get-block-uid-from-text-element y)}})
        (if (str/starts-with? (:id y) "ROAM_")
          (do ;;block with text should already exist, update text, but double check that the block is there...
            ;;(debug ["(save-component) nested block should exist text:" (:text y) "block-id" (get-block-uid-from-text-element y)])
            (let [text-block-uid (get-block-uid-from-text-element y)
                  nested-block (filter (comp #{text-block-uid} :block/uid) nested-text-blocks)]
              (if-not (= 0 (count nested-block))
                (do ;;block exists
                  ;;(debug ["(save-component) block exists, updateing"])
                  (if-not (= (:block/string (first nested-block)) (:text y))
                    (block-update {:block {:uid text-block-uid :string (:text y)}}))
                  (reset! text-elements (conj @text-elements y))
                (do ;block no-longer exists, create new one
                  ;;(debug ["(save-component) block should, but does not exist, creating..."])
                  (let [new-block-uid (.createBlock js/ExcalidrawWrapper nestedtext-parent-block-uid (get-next-block-order nestedtext-parent-block-uid) (:text y))]
                    (reset! text-elements (conj @text-elements (assoc-in y [:id] (str/join ["ROAM_" new-block-uid "_ROAM"]))))
          (do ;;block with text does not exist as nested block, create new
            ;;(debug ["(save-component) block does not exists, creating"])
            (let [new-block-uid (.createBlock js/ExcalidrawWrapper nestedtext-parent-block-uid (get-next-block-order nestedtext-parent-block-uid) (:text y))]
              (reset! text-elements (conj @text-elements (assoc-in y [:id] (str/join ["ROAM_" new-block-uid "_ROAM"])))) 
              (reset! text-elements (conj @text-elements (assoc-in y [:isDeleted] true))) 

    ;;(debug ["(save-component) text-blocks with updated IDs" (str @text-elements)])
    ;;updating the data block is the final piece in saving the component
    (let [elements (update-elements-with-parts {:raw-elements (:elements edn-map) :text-elements @text-elements})  
          out-string (fix-double-bracket (str {:elements elements :appState app-state :roamExcalidraw {:version plugin-version}}))
          render-string (str/join ["{{roam/render: ((ExcalDATA)) " out-string " }}"])]
        {:block {:uid data-block-uid
                :string render-string}}) 
      (swap! app-settings assoc-in [:mode] (get-in app-state [:theme]))
      (reset! (:saving-flag x) false)
      {:elements elements :appState app-state :roamExcalidraw {:version plugin-version}}                                      

(defn load-settings []
  ;;(debug ["(load-settings) Enter"])
  (let [settings-block (rd/q '[:find ?settings .
                              :in $ ?page ?block
                              :where [?p :node/title ?page]
                                     [?p :block/children ?b]
                                     [?b :block/string ?block]
                                     [?b :block/children ?c]
                                     [?c :block/order 0]
                                     [?c :block/string ?settings]]
                            app-page app-settings-block)]
    (if-not (nil? settings-block)
        ;;(debug ["(load-settings) settings: " settings-block])
        (reset! app-settings (edn/read-string settings-block))
        (if (nil? @app-settings)
          (reset! app-settings default-app-settings))
        (doseq [key (keys default-app-settings)]
          (if (nil? (key @app-settings))
            (swap! app-settings assoc-in [key] (key default-app-settings))))))))

;; Load data from nested block(s)

;;finds the json enclosed in double parentheses and returns it
(defn get-data-from-block-string [x]
  ;;(debug ["(get-data-from-block-string)" (count x)])
  (if (= (count x) 0)
      ;;(debug ["(get-data-from-block-string) returning nil"])
      (let [data-string (get-in (first x) [0 :block/string])
            return-string (second (re-find #"ExcalDATA\){2}\s*(\{.*\})\s*\}{2}" data-string))]
        ;;;(debug ["(get-data-from-block-string) returning: " retrun-string])
        (edn/read-string return-string)))))

(defn create-nested-blocks [x]; {:block-uid "BlockUID" :drawing atom :empty-block-uid "BlockUID"}
;;block uid is the block of the roam/render component
;;empty block is the block created by the user by trying to nest text under 
;;a new drawing that hasn't been edited yet (i.e. the data and title children
;;are missing)
  ;;(debug ["(create-nested-blocks)"])
  (let [default-data {:appState {:theme (:mode @app-settings)}
                      :roamExcalidraw {:version 1}}]
    (create-block (:block-uid x) 0 (str/join ["{{roam/render: ((ExcalDATA)) "
                                (str default-data) " }}"]))
    (reset! (:drawing x) {:drawing default-data 
                          :nestedtext-parent {:block-uid (create-block (:block-uid x) 1 "**Text nested here will appear on your drawing:**")}})
    (if (nil? (:empty-block-uid x)) 
      (block-update {:block {:uid (:block-uid x) :open false}}) ;;fold up the drawing block to hide children
      (block/move {:location {:parent-uid (get-in @(:drawing x) [:nestedtext-parent :block-uid]) ;;move new block under nested text
                            :order 0}
                 :block {:uid (:empty-block-uid x)}}))

(defn load-drawing [x] ;{:block-uid "BlockUID" :drawing atom :data objects :text "text"} 
;drawing is the atom holding the drawing map
;block uid is the block with the roam/render component
;data are the drawing objects
;text are the nested text blocks
  ;;(debug ["(load-drawing) enter"])
  (if (= (count (:data x)) 0)
        ;;(debug ["(load-drawing) no children - creating dummy data"])
        (let [default-data {:appState {:theme (:mode @app-settings)}
                            :roamExcalidraw {:version 1}}]
          (reset! (:drawing x) {:drawing default-data 
                                :nestedtext-parent {:block-uid nil}})
      (if (= (count (:text x)) 0)
          ;;(debug ["(load-drawing) create title only"])
          (reset! (:drawing x) {:drawing (:data x)
                                :nestedtext-parent {:block-uid (create-block (:block-uid x) 1 "**Text nested here will appear on your drawing:**")}})
          (block-update {:block {:uid (:block-uid x) :open false}})
          ;;(debug ["(load-drawing) ExcalDATA & title already exist"])
          (reset! (:drawing x) {:drawing (:data x)
                                :nestedtext-parent {:block-uid  (get-in (:text x) [0 :block/uid])}
                                :text (get-in (:text x) [0 :block/children])})
  ;;(debug ["(load-drawing) drawing: " @(:drawing x) " data: " (:data x) " text: " (str (:text x)) "theme " (get-in (:data x) [:appState :theme])])

;;check if text in nested block has changed compared to drawing and updated text in drawing element including size
(defn update-drawing-based-on-nested-blocks [x] ;{:elements [] :appState {} :nested-text [:block/uid "BlockUID" :block/string "text"]}
  ;;(debug ["(update-drawing-based-on-nested-blocks) Enter x:" x])
  (if-not (nil? (:nested-text x)) 
      (let [text-elements (r/atom nil)
            nested-text (flatten-nested-text (:nested-text x) "")]   
      ;;(debug ["(update-drawing-based-on-nested-blocks) processing nested text - apply changes to existing text elements, omit deleted ones"])
        ;;update elements on drawing based on changes to nested text
        (doseq [y (get-text-elements (:elements x))]
          (let [block-uid (get-block-uid-from-text-element y)
                block-text (:block/string (first (filter (comp #{block-uid} :block/uid) nested-text)))
                text-element-has-nested-block-pair (= 0 (count (filter (comp #{block-uid} :block/uid) nested-text)))]
            ;;add text to drawing if text element has a nested block pair, 
            (if (not text-element-has-nested-block-pair)  
                ;if text has changed, update measures
                (if-not (= block-text (:text y)) 
                  (let [text-measures (js->clj (.measureText js/ExcalidrawWrapper block-text y))]
                    (reset! text-elements 
                              (conj @text-elements 
                                      (-> y 
                                        (assoc-in [:text] block-text)
                                        (assoc-in [:baseline] (get text-measures "baseline"))
                                        (assoc-in [:width] (get text-measures "width"))
                                        (assoc-in [:height] (get text-measures "height"))
                  ;;else add to list as-is 
                  (reset! text-elements (conj @text-elements y))))
              ;;else it should be removed from the drawing
              ;;unless the drawing is from an old version of the plugin when nested blocks weren't handled
              (if (< (get-in x [:roamExcalidraw :version]) 1) 
                (reset! text-elements (conj @text-elements y)))
        ;;(debug ["(update-drawing-based-on-nested-blocks) processing nested text - add new nested blocks"])
        ;;add text for newly nested blocks
        (let [counter (atom -1)]
          (doseq [nt nested-text]
            (swap! counter inc)
            (let [text (:block/string nt)
                  dummy {:fontFamily (:nested-text-font-family @app-settings) 
                        :fontSize (:nested-text-font-size @app-settings)}
                  order (:block/order nt)
                  id (:block/uid nt)]
              (if (= 0 (count (filter (comp #{(str/join ["ROAM_" (:block/uid nt) "_ROAM"])} :id) @text-elements)))
                (let [col (int (/ @counter (:nested-text-rows @app-settings)))
                      row (mod @counter (:nested-text-rows @app-settings))
                      x (+ (:nested-text-start-left @app-settings) (* col (:nested-text-col-width @app-settings)))
                      y (+ (:nested-text-start-top @app-settings) (* row (:nested-text-row-height @app-settings)))  
                      text-measures (js->clj (.measureText js/ExcalidrawWrapper text dummy))]
                  ;;(debug ["(update-drawing-based-on-nested-blocks) add new: text" text "id" id])
                  (reset! text-elements 
                            (conj @text-elements 
                                  {:y y
                                    :baseline (get text-measures "baseline")
                                    :isDeleted false
                                    :strokeStyle "solid":roughness 1
                                    :width (get text-measures "width")
                                    :type "text"
                                    :strokeSharpness "sharp"
                                    :fillStyle "hachure"
                                    :angle 0
                                    :groupIds []
                                    :seed 1
                                    :fontFamily (:nested-text-font-family @app-settings)
                                    :boundElementIds []
                                    :strokeWidth 1
                                    :opacity 100
                                    :id (str/join ["ROAM_" id "_ROAM"])
                                    :verticalAlign "top"
                                    :strokeColor "#000000"
                                    :textAlign "left"
                                    :x (+ x (* 5 (count order)))
                                    :fontSize (:nested-text-font-size @app-settings)
                                    :version 1
                                    :backgroundColor "transparent"
                                    :versionNonce 1
                                    :height (get text-measures "height")
                                    :text text}))                                

        {:elements (update-elements-with-parts {:raw-elements (:elements x) :text-elements @text-elements})
        :appState (:appState x)}
    {:elements (:elements x) :appState (:appState x)}

(defn generate-scene [x] ;{:drawing atom}]
  ;;(debug ["(generate-scene) enter" x])
  (update-drawing-based-on-nested-blocks {:elements (:elements (:drawing @(:drawing x)))
                                                      :appState (:appState (:drawing @(:drawing x)))
                                                      :nested-text (:text @(:drawing x))
                                                      :roamExcalidraw (:roamExcalidraw (:drawing @(:drawing x)))}))

;; Main Function Form-3
(defn resize [ew]
  ;;(debug ["(resize)"])
  (if-not (nil? @ew) (.onResize @ew)))

(defn update-scene [ew scene]
  ;;(debug ["(update-scene) scene: " scene])
  (if-not (nil? @ew) (.updateScene @ew scene)))

(defn get-drawing [ew]
  ;;(debug ["(get-drawing): " (.getDrawing js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper @ew)])
  (.getDrawing js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper @ew))

(defn host-div-style [cs]
  (let [width    (.-innerWidth js/window)
        height   (.-innerHeight js/window)
        top      (int (* height (:full-screen-margin @app-settings)))
        left     (int (* width (:full-screen-margin @app-settings)))
        host-div-width (if (nil? (:this-dom-node @cs)) (:max-embed-width @app-settings)
                         (.getHostDIVWidth js/ExcalidrawWrapper (:this-dom-node @cs)))
        embed-width (if (> host-div-width (:max-embed-width @app-settings)) 
                      (:max-embed-width @app-settings) host-div-width)
        embed-height (* (:max-embed-height @app-settings) (/ embed-width (:max-embed-width @app-settings)))
        ar (:aspect-ratio @cs)
        w (if (nil? ar) embed-width 
            (if (> ar 1.0) embed-width
              (* ar embed-height)))
        h (if (nil? ar @cs) "100%" 
            (if (> ar 1.0) "100%" 
              embed-height  ))]
    (if (is-full-screen cs)
      {:position "fixed"
      :z-index 1000
      :top top
      :left left
      :width  (str/join ["calc(100% - " (* left 2) "px)"]) 
      :height (- height (* top 2))
      :resize "none"}
      {:position "relative"
      :width w
      :height h
      :resize "both"
      :overflow "hidden"}

(defn going-full-screen? [x cs style]
  (if (= x true)
      (.fullScreenKeyboardEventRedirect js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper true)
      (swap! cs assoc-in [:position] full-screen-view)
      (swap! style assoc-in [:host-div] (host-div-style cs))
      (swap! cs assoc-in [:mouseover] false))
      (.fullScreenKeyboardEventRedirect js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper false)
      (swap! cs assoc-in [:position] embedded-view)
      (swap! style assoc-in [:host-div] (host-div-style cs)))))

;;state to capture when callback confirms React libraries have loaded
(def deps-available (r/atom false))

(defn check-js-dependencies []
  (if (and 
       (not= (str (type js/Excalidraw)) "")
       (not= (str (type js/ReactDOM)) "")
       (not= (str (type js/React)) "")
       (not= (str (type js/ExcalidrawConfig)) "")
       (not= (str (type js/ExcalidrawWrapper)) ""))
    (do (reset! silent (not (.-DEBUG js/ExcalidrawConfig)))
      (reset! deps-available true))
    (js/setTimeout check-js-dependencies 1000)
(defn get-embed-image [drawing dom-node app-name]
  (if (= (:img @app-settings) "PNG")
    (.getPNG js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper drawing dom-node app-name)
    (.getSVG js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper drawing dom-node app-name)

(defn main [{:keys [block-uid]} & args]
  ;;(debug ["(main) component starting..."])
  (let [drawing (r/atom nil)
        cs (r/atom {:position embedded-view  ;;component-state
                    :this-dom-node nil
                    :aspect-ratio nil
                    :mouseover false
                    :prev-empty-block nil}) ;; this is a semaphore system to avoid creating double nested blocks when manually creating the first nested element
        saving-flag (atom false)
        pull-watch-active (atom false)
        ew (r/atom nil) ;;excalidraw-wrapper
        app-name (str/join ["excalidraw-app-" block-uid])
        style (r/atom {:host-div (host-div-style cs)})
        resize-handler (fn [] (if (is-full-screen cs) 
                                (swap! style assoc-in [:host-div] (host-div-style cs))  
                                (if-not (nil? (:this-dom-node @cs)) 
                                  (swap! style assoc-in [:host-div] (host-div-style cs)))))
        ;changed-drawing (atom nil)
        drawing-on-change-callback (fn [x] (if-not @saving-flag
                                               {:block-uid block-uid 
                                                :map-string (js-to-clj-str x) 
                                                :cs cs
                                                :drawing drawing
                                                :saving-flag saving-flag}))))
        pull-watch-callback (fn [before after]
                              ;;(debug ["(pull-watch-callback) after:" (js-to-clj-str after)])
                              (if-not (or @saving-flag (is-full-screen cs) @pull-watch-active)
                                  (reset! pull-watch-active true)
                                  (let [drawing-data (pull-children block-uid 0)
                                        drawing-text (pull-children block-uid 1)
                                        empty-block-uid (re-find #":block/uid \"(.*)\", (:block/string \"\")" (str drawing-data))] ;check if user has nested a block under a new drawing
                                    (if-not (nil? empty-block-uid)
                                      (if-not (= (second empty-block-uid) (:prev-empty-block @cs))
                                          (swap! cs assoc-in [:prev-empty-block] (second empty-block-uid)) ;;semaphore to avoid double creation of blocks
                                          (create-nested-blocks {:block-uid block-uid 
                                                                  :drawing drawing 
                                                                  :empty-block-uid (second empty-block-uid)})
                                    (load-drawing {:block-uid block-uid 
                                                  :drawing drawing 
                                                  :data (get-data-from-block-string drawing-data) 
                                                  :text (first drawing-text)})
                                    (if-not (is-full-screen cs)
                                        (swap! cs assoc-in [:aspect-ratio] (get-embed-image (generate-scene {:drawing drawing}) (:this-dom-node @cs) app-name))
                                        (swap! style assoc-in [:host-div] (host-div-style cs)))))
                                  (reset! pull-watch-active false)
    (if (= @deps-available false)
    [:div "Libraries have not yet loaded. Please refresh the block in a moment."]
    (fn []
      ;;(debug ["(main) fn[] starting..."])
      { :display-name "Excalidraw Roam Beta"
        ;; Constructor
;           :constructor (fn [this props])
;           :get-initial-state (fn [this] )
        ;; Static methods
;           :get-derived-state-from-props (fn [props state] )
;           :get-derived-state-from-error (fn [error] )
        ;; Methods
;          :get-snapshot-before-update (fn [this old-argv new-argv] )
;          :should-component-update (fn [this old-argv new-argv])
        :component-did-mount (fn [this]
                                ;;(debug ["(main) :component-did-mount"])
                                (swap! cs assoc-in [:this-dom-node] (r/dom-node this))
                                ;;(debug ["(main) :component-did-mount addPullWatch"])
                                (.addPullWatch js/ExcalidrawWrapper block-uid pull-watch-callback)
                                (pull-watch-callback nil nil)
                                (swap! style assoc-in [:host-div] (host-div-style cs))
                                (.addEventListener js/window "resize" resize-handler)
                                ;;(debug ["(main) :component-did-mount Exalidraw mount initiated"])
        :component-did-update (fn [this old-argv old-state snapshot]
                                ;;(debug ["(main) :component-did-update"])
                                (if (is-full-screen cs)
                                  (resize ew)))
        :component-will-unmount (fn [this]
                                  ;;(debug ["(main) :component-will-unmount"])
                                  (.removePullWatch js/ExcalidrawWrapper block-uid pull-watch-callback)
                                  (.removeEventListener js/window "resize" resize-handler))
;           :component-did-catch (fn [this error info])
        :reagent-render (fn [{:keys [block-uid]} & args]
                          ;;(debug ["(main) :reagent-render"])
                            {:class "excalidraw-host"
                              :style (:host-div @style)
                              :on-mouse-over (fn[e] (swap! cs assoc-in [:mouseover] true))
                              :on-mouse-leave (fn[e] (swap! cs assoc-in [:mouseover] false)) }
                            (if-not (is-full-screen cs)
                                {:class "ex-embed-button"
                                :style {:display (if (:mouseover @cs) "block" "none")
                                        :left (if-not (nil? (:this-dom-node @cs)) 
                                                (- (.-clientWidth (:this-dom-node @cs)) 32) 
                                :draggable true
                                :on-click (fn [e]
                                            (going-full-screen? true cs style)
                                            (if (nil? (get-in @drawing [:nestedtext-parent :block-uid])) 
                                              (create-nested-blocks {:block-uid block-uid 
                                                                      :drawing drawing 
                                                                      :empty-block-uid nil}))
                                            (reset! ew (js/ExcalidrawWrapper.
                                                        (generate-scene {:drawing drawing})
                                                        (:this-dom-node @cs)
                                                        drawing-on-change-callback ))
                                                        ;(js/setTimeout autosave 10000)
                                {:class "ex-fullscreen-button"
                                :style {:left (- (.-clientWidth (:this-dom-node @cs)) 32)}
                                :draggable true
                                :on-click (fn [e]
                                            (.svgClipboard js/ExcalidrawWrapper)
                                            (going-full-screen? false cs style)
                                            (save-component {:block-uid block-uid 
                                                              :map-string (js-to-clj-str (get-drawing ew))
                                                              :cs cs
                                                              :drawing drawing
                                                              :saving-flag saving-flag})
                                            (swap! cs assoc-in [:aspect-ratio] (get-embed-image (get-drawing ew) (:this-dom-node @cs) app-name))
                              {:id app-name
                              :style {:position "relative" :width "100%" :height "100%"}}

(ns excalidraw.data.alpha.v01)

(def silent true)
(defn debug [x] 
  (if-not silent (apply (.-log js/console) x)))

(defn main2 [{:keys [block-uid]}  args]
  (debug ["data: " args])
  [:div [:span.excalidraw-data "Excalidraw DATA"]])
{:appState {:currentItemFontFamily 1, :isBindingEnabled true, :currentItemRoughness 1, :zoom {:value 1, :translation {:x 0, :y 0}}, :zenModeEnabled false, :lastPointerDownWith "mouse", :isLibraryOpen false, :scrollX -43, :scrolledOutside false, :scrollY 220, :exportBackground true, :showStats false, :suggestedBindings [], :name "Untitled-2021-05-27-2036", :viewBackgroundColor "ffffff", :currentItemFillStyle "hachure", :width 1242, :shouldCacheIgnoreZoom false, :currentItemStrokeSharpness "sharp", :selectedGroupIds {}, :isRotating false, :pasteDialog {:shown false, :data nil}, :offsetLeft 19, :currentItemStrokeWidth 1, :currentItemBackgroundColor "transparent", :elementType "selection", :offsetTop 12, :theme "light", :exportWithDarkMode false, :currentItemTextAlign "left", :currentItemLinearStrokeSharpness "round", :currentItemOpacity 100, :exportEmbedScene false, :currentItemStrokeColor "000000", :isLoading false, :currentItemFontSize 20, :elementLocked false, :currentChartType "bar", :shouldAddWatermark false, :currentItemEndArrowhead "arrow", :previousSelectedElementIds {:ROAM_cFEFwoTpY_ROAM true, :bMBObm792-kuom8xE5ChR true}, :viewModeEnabled false, :isResizing false, :showHelpDialog false, :height 776, :currentItemStrokeStyle "solid", :cursorButton "up"}, :roamExcalidraw {:version 1}, :elements [{:y 155.23724365234375, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 498.3731994628906, :type "rectangle", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 377710785, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "RKDAa1edN0p0maoaLpFVz", :strokeColor "000000", :x 459.4856872558594, :version 34, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 1567900111, :height 58.39532470703125} {:y 105.45440673828125, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 470.6091003417969, :type "rectangle", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 340051617, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "l7EDqpq-ix7QjwMYcGuEB", :strokeColor "000000", :x 458.2095642089844, :version 167, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 289209006, :height 48.813232421875} {:y 42.6954345703125, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 421.36364746093756, :type "rectangle", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 425816513, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "AfPgLosm6dkd1CiXhDTLQ", :strokeColor "000000", :x 459.5623779296875, :version 259, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 185158194, :height 58.20648193359375} {:y -7.695037841796875, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 376.6710815429688, :type "rectangle", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1950639649, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "wT9iw6rB4emR0f-ZjdQLE", :strokeColor "000000", :x 459.74505615234375, :version 563, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 1857754930, :height 51.21955871582031} {:y -5.3671722412109375, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 225.57046508789062, :type "rectangle", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1583271727, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "p4d3rB_uA5dvmajLxrqTu", :strokeColor "000000", :x 231.64410400390625, :version 323, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 1392772846, :height 219.02735900878906} {:y 70.24227905273438, :baseline 21, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 120, :type "text", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1, :fontFamily 1, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "ROAM_RV738K3FA_ROAM", :verticalAlign "top", :strokeColor "000000", :textAlign "left", :x 271.27093505859375, :fontSize 20, :version 556, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 1010178802, :height 28, :text "第二章自然人"} {:y 172.33596801757812, :baseline 21, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 320, :type "text", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1, :fontFamily 1, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "ROAM_k4hxXfj_r_ROAM", :verticalAlign "top", :strokeColor "000000", :textAlign "left", :x 490.076904296875, :fontSize 20, :version 245, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 514348402, :height 28, :text "第一节民事权利能力和民事行为能力"} {:y 115.80535888671875, :baseline 21, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 100, :type "text", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1, :fontFamily 1, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "ROAM_cFEFwoTpY_ROAM", :verticalAlign "top", :strokeColor "000000", :textAlign "left", :x 491.2626037597656, :fontSize 20, :version 227, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 1656218546, :height 28, :text "第二节监护"} {:y 62.204345703125, :baseline 21, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 240, :type "text", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1, :fontFamily 1, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "ROAM_VnONQ1cu7_ROAM", :verticalAlign "top", :strokeColor "000000", :textAlign "left", :x 487.7548828125, :fontSize 20, :version 103, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 757011822, :height 28, :text "第三节宣告失踪和宣告死亡"} {:y 7.39886474609375, :baseline 21, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 320, :type "text", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1, :fontFamily 1, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "ROAM_CPFMRk_Ny_ROAM", :verticalAlign "top", :strokeColor "000000", :textAlign "left", :x 489.60833740234375, :fontSize 20, :version 131, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 499143474, :height 28, :text "第四节个体工商户和农村承包经营户"}]} }}

(ns excalidraw.app.beta.v09
   [clojure.set :as s]
   [reagent.core :as r]
   [roam.datascript :as rd]
   [roam.block :as block]
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [clojure.edn :as edn]
   [roam.util :as util]
   [roam.datascript.reactive :as dr]
   [clojure.pprint :as pp]))

(def plugin-version 1)
(def app-page "roam/excalidraw")
(def app-settings-block "Settings")
(def app-setting-uid "Excal_SET")
(def default-app-settings {:mode "light"
                           :img  "SVG"
                           :full-screen-margin 0.015
                           :max-embed-width 600
                           :max-embed-height 400
                           :nested-text-rows 20
                           :nested-text-row-height 40
                           :nested-text-col-width 400
                           :nested-text-start-top 40
                           :nested-text-start-left 320
                           :nested-text-font-size 20
                           :nested-text-font-family 1})
(def app-settings (r/atom default-app-settings))

;; util functions
(def silent (r/atom false))
(defn debug [x]
  (if-not @silent (apply (.-log js/console) "<<< Roam-Excalidraw Main cljs >>>" x)))

(def embedded-view "ev")
(def full-screen-view "fs")
(defn is-full-screen [cs]  ;;component-state
  (not= (:position @cs) embedded-view))

(defn create-block [parent-uid order block-string]
  (.createBlock js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper parent-uid order block-string))

(defn block-update [x]
  (.updateBlock js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper x))

(defn pretty-settings [x]
  (let [y (into (sorted-map) (sort-by first (seq x)))]
    (-> (str y)
          (str/replace "{" "{\n")
          (str/replace ", " "\n")
          (str/replace "}" "\n}"))))

(defn get-next-block-order [x]
  (let [o (rd/q '[:find (max ?o) . 
                  :in $ ?uid
                  :where [?b :block/uid ?uid]
                         [?b :block/children ?c]
                         [?c :block/order ?o]]
    (if (nil? o) 0 (+ 1 o))

(defn save-settings []
  ;;(debug ["(save-settings) Enter"])
  (let [settings-host (r/atom (rd/q '[:find ?uid .
                                     :in $ ?page ?block
                                     :where [?p :node/title ?page]
                                            [?p :block/children ?b]
                                            [?b :block/string ?block]
                                            [?b :block/uid ?uid]]
                                    app-page app-settings-block))]
    (if (nil? @settings-host)
        ;;(debug ["(save-settings) settings host does not exist"])
        (reset! settings-host
            (rd/q '[:find ?uid . 
                    :in $ ?page
                    :where [?p :node/title ?page]
                           [?p :block/uid ?uid]]
            3 app-settings-block))))
    (let [settings-block (r/atom (rd/q '[:find ?uid .
                                         :in $ ?settings-host
                                         :where [?b :block/uid ?settings-host]
                                                [?b :block/children ?c]
                                                [?c :block/order 0]
                                                [?c :block/uid ?uid]]
      (if (nil? @settings-block)
          ;;(debug ["(save-settings) settings-block does not exist"])
          (create-block @settings-host 0 (pretty-settings @app-settings)))
          ;;(debug ["(save-settings) settings-block exists, updating"])
          (block-update {:block {:uid @settings-block 
                                 :string (pretty-settings @app-settings)}}))))))

(defn js-to-clj-str [& x]
  ;;(debug ["(js-to-clj-str): x: " x (str x)])
  (let [res (-> x
              (str/replace #"\(#js"  "")
              (str/replace #"#js" "")
              (str/replace #"\}\}\)" "}}"))]

(defn fix-double-bracket [x]
  (str/replace x #"\[{2}" "[ ["))

(defn get-data-block-uid [x]
  (rd/q '[:find ?drawing-uid .
          :in $ ?uid
          :where [?e :block/uid ?uid]
                  [?e :block/children ?c]
                  [?c :block/order 0]
                  [?c :block/string ?s]
                  [(clojure.string/includes? ?s "((ExcalDATA))")]
                  [?c :block/uid ?drawing-uid]]

(defn pull-children [block-uid order]
  (rd/q '[:find (pull ?b [:block/uid :block/string {:block/children [:block/string :block/order :block/uid {:block/children ...}]}])
                                         :in $ ?block-uid ?order
                                         :where [?e :block/uid ?block-uid]
                                                [?e :block/children ?b]
                                                [?b :block/order ?order]]
                                         block-uid order))

(defn flatten-nested-text [nested-text level] 
  (let [result (atom nil)]
    (doseq [y nested-text]
      (let [order (str/join [level (pp/cl-format nil "~2,'0d" (:block/order y))])]
        (reset! result (conj @result {:block/string (:block/string y)
                                       :block/order order
                                       :block/uid (:block/uid y)}))
        (if-not (nil? (:block/children y)) 
          (reset! result (concat @result (flatten-nested-text (:block/children y) order))))
    ;;(debug ["flat-nest " (str @result)])
     (into [] (sort-by :block/order @result))

(defn get-text-blocks [x]
  (-> x
    (pull-children 1)
    (get-in [0 :block/children])
    (flatten-nested-text "")))

(defn get-text-elements [x]
  (filter (comp #{"text"} :type) x)

(defn get-block-uid-from-text-element [x]
  (second (re-find #"ROAM_(.*)_ROAM" (:id x)))

;;updates the :elements value of the drawing with nested text and updated object groups
(defn update-elements-with-parts [x] {:raw-elements [] :text-elements [] :groups []}
  (into [] (concat (into [] (remove (comp #{"text"} :type) (:raw-elements x)))  (:text-elements x)))

;;{:block-uid "BlockUID" :map-string "String" :cs atom :drawing atom}
(defn save-component [x] 
  ;;Disable the pullWatch while blocks are edited
  (reset! (:saving-flag x) true) 
  ;;(debug ["(save-component) Enter"])

  (let [data-block-uid (get-data-block-uid (:block-uid x))
        edn-map (edn/read-string (:map-string x))
        text-elements (r/atom nil)
        ;;get text blocks nested under title
        nestedtext-parent-block-uid (get-in @(:drawing x) [:nestedtext-parent :block-uid])
        nested-text-blocks (get-text-blocks (:block-uid x)) 
        app-state (into {} (filter (comp some? val) (:appState edn-map)))] ;;remove nil elements from appState
    ;;process text on drawing
    ;;(debug ["(save-component) start processing text"])
    (doseq [y (get-text-elements (:elements edn-map))]
      (if (:isDeleted y)
        (if (str/starts-with? (:id y) "ROAM_")
          (block/delete {:block {:uid (get-block-uid-from-text-element y)}})
        (if (str/starts-with? (:id y) "ROAM_")
          (do ;;block with text should already exist, update text, but double check that the block is there...
            ;;(debug ["(save-component) nested block should exist text:" (:text y) "block-id" (get-block-uid-from-text-element y)])
            (let [text-block-uid (get-block-uid-from-text-element y)
                  nested-block (filter (comp #{text-block-uid} :block/uid) nested-text-blocks)]
              (if-not (= 0 (count nested-block))
                (do ;;block exists
                  ;;(debug ["(save-component) block exists, updateing"])
                  (if-not (= (:block/string (first nested-block)) (:text y))
                    (block-update {:block {:uid text-block-uid :string (:text y)}}))
                  (reset! text-elements (conj @text-elements y))
                (do ;block no-longer exists, create new one
                  ;;(debug ["(save-component) block should, but does not exist, creating..."])
                  (let [new-block-uid (.createBlock js/ExcalidrawWrapper nestedtext-parent-block-uid (get-next-block-order nestedtext-parent-block-uid) (:text y))]
                    (reset! text-elements (conj @text-elements (assoc-in y [:id] (str/join ["ROAM_" new-block-uid "_ROAM"]))))
          (do ;;block with text does not exist as nested block, create new
            ;;(debug ["(save-component) block does not exists, creating"])
            (let [new-block-uid (.createBlock js/ExcalidrawWrapper nestedtext-parent-block-uid (get-next-block-order nestedtext-parent-block-uid) (:text y))]
              (reset! text-elements (conj @text-elements (assoc-in y [:id] (str/join ["ROAM_" new-block-uid "_ROAM"])))) 
              (reset! text-elements (conj @text-elements (assoc-in y [:isDeleted] true))) 

    ;;(debug ["(save-component) text-blocks with updated IDs" (str @text-elements)])
    ;;updating the data block is the final piece in saving the component
    (let [elements (update-elements-with-parts {:raw-elements (:elements edn-map) :text-elements @text-elements})  
          out-string (fix-double-bracket (str {:elements elements :appState app-state :roamExcalidraw {:version plugin-version}}))
          render-string (str/join ["{{roam/render: ((ExcalDATA)) " out-string " }}"])]
        {:block {:uid data-block-uid
                :string render-string}}) 
      (swap! app-settings assoc-in [:mode] (get-in app-state [:theme]))
      (reset! (:saving-flag x) false)
      {:elements elements :appState app-state :roamExcalidraw {:version plugin-version}}                                      

(defn load-settings []
  ;;(debug ["(load-settings) Enter"])
  (let [settings-block (rd/q '[:find ?settings .
                              :in $ ?page ?block
                              :where [?p :node/title ?page]
                                     [?p :block/children ?b]
                                     [?b :block/string ?block]
                                     [?b :block/children ?c]
                                     [?c :block/order 0]
                                     [?c :block/string ?settings]]
                            app-page app-settings-block)]
    (if-not (nil? settings-block)
        ;;(debug ["(load-settings) settings: " settings-block])
        (reset! app-settings (edn/read-string settings-block))
        (if (nil? @app-settings)
          (reset! app-settings default-app-settings))
        (doseq [key (keys default-app-settings)]
          (if (nil? (key @app-settings))
            (swap! app-settings assoc-in [key] (key default-app-settings))))))))

;; Load data from nested block(s)

;;finds the json enclosed in double parentheses and returns it
(defn get-data-from-block-string [x]
  ;;(debug ["(get-data-from-block-string)" (count x)])
  (if (= (count x) 0)
      ;;(debug ["(get-data-from-block-string) returning nil"])
      (let [data-string (get-in (first x) [0 :block/string])
            return-string (second (re-find #"ExcalDATA\){2}\s*(\{.*\})\s*\}{2}" data-string))]
        ;;;(debug ["(get-data-from-block-string) returning: " retrun-string])
        (edn/read-string return-string)))))

(defn create-nested-blocks [x]; {:block-uid "BlockUID" :drawing atom :empty-block-uid "BlockUID"}
;;block uid is the block of the roam/render component
;;empty block is the block created by the user by trying to nest text under 
;;a new drawing that hasn't been edited yet (i.e. the data and title children
;;are missing)
  ;;(debug ["(create-nested-blocks)"])
  (let [default-data {:appState {:theme (:mode @app-settings)}
                      :roamExcalidraw {:version 1}}]
    (create-block (:block-uid x) 0 (str/join ["{{roam/render: ((ExcalDATA)) "
                                (str default-data) " }}"]))
    (reset! (:drawing x) {:drawing default-data 
                          :nestedtext-parent {:block-uid (create-block (:block-uid x) 1 "**Text nested here will appear on your drawing:**")}})
    (if (nil? (:empty-block-uid x)) 
      (block-update {:block {:uid (:block-uid x) :open false}}) ;;fold up the drawing block to hide children
      (block/move {:location {:parent-uid (get-in @(:drawing x) [:nestedtext-parent :block-uid]) ;;move new block under nested text
                            :order 0}
                 :block {:uid (:empty-block-uid x)}}))

(defn load-drawing [x] ;{:block-uid "BlockUID" :drawing atom :data objects :text "text"} 
;drawing is the atom holding the drawing map
;block uid is the block with the roam/render component
;data are the drawing objects
;text are the nested text blocks
  ;;(debug ["(load-drawing) enter"])
  (if (= (count (:data x)) 0)
        ;;(debug ["(load-drawing) no children - creating dummy data"])
        (let [default-data {:appState {:theme (:mode @app-settings)}
                            :roamExcalidraw {:version 1}}]
          (reset! (:drawing x) {:drawing default-data 
                                :nestedtext-parent {:block-uid nil}})
      (if (= (count (:text x)) 0)
          ;;(debug ["(load-drawing) create title only"])
          (reset! (:drawing x) {:drawing (:data x)
                                :nestedtext-parent {:block-uid (create-block (:block-uid x) 1 "**Text nested here will appear on your drawing:**")}})
          (block-update {:block {:uid (:block-uid x) :open false}})
          ;;(debug ["(load-drawing) ExcalDATA & title already exist"])
          (reset! (:drawing x) {:drawing (:data x)
                                :nestedtext-parent {:block-uid  (get-in (:text x) [0 :block/uid])}
                                :text (get-in (:text x) [0 :block/children])})
  ;;(debug ["(load-drawing) drawing: " @(:drawing x) " data: " (:data x) " text: " (str (:text x)) "theme " (get-in (:data x) [:appState :theme])])

;;check if text in nested block has changed compared to drawing and updated text in drawing element including size
(defn update-drawing-based-on-nested-blocks [x] ;{:elements [] :appState {} :nested-text [:block/uid "BlockUID" :block/string "text"]}
  ;;(debug ["(update-drawing-based-on-nested-blocks) Enter x:" x])
  (if-not (nil? (:nested-text x)) 
      (let [text-elements (r/atom nil)
            nested-text (flatten-nested-text (:nested-text x) "")]   
      ;;(debug ["(update-drawing-based-on-nested-blocks) processing nested text - apply changes to existing text elements, omit deleted ones"])
        ;;update elements on drawing based on changes to nested text
        (doseq [y (get-text-elements (:elements x))]
          (let [block-uid (get-block-uid-from-text-element y)
                block-text (:block/string (first (filter (comp #{block-uid} :block/uid) nested-text)))
                text-element-has-nested-block-pair (= 0 (count (filter (comp #{block-uid} :block/uid) nested-text)))]
            ;;add text to drawing if text element has a nested block pair, 
            (if (not text-element-has-nested-block-pair)  
                ;if text has changed, update measures
                (if-not (= block-text (:text y)) 
                  (let [text-measures (js->clj (.measureText js/ExcalidrawWrapper block-text y))]
                    (reset! text-elements 
                              (conj @text-elements 
                                      (-> y 
                                        (assoc-in [:text] block-text)
                                        (assoc-in [:baseline] (get text-measures "baseline"))
                                        (assoc-in [:width] (get text-measures "width"))
                                        (assoc-in [:height] (get text-measures "height"))
                  ;;else add to list as-is 
                  (reset! text-elements (conj @text-elements y))))
              ;;else it should be removed from the drawing
              ;;unless the drawing is from an old version of the plugin when nested blocks weren't handled
              (if (< (get-in x [:roamExcalidraw :version]) 1) 
                (reset! text-elements (conj @text-elements y)))
        ;;(debug ["(update-drawing-based-on-nested-blocks) processing nested text - add new nested blocks"])
        ;;add text for newly nested blocks
        (let [counter (atom -1)]
          (doseq [nt nested-text]
            (swap! counter inc)
            (let [text (:block/string nt)
                  dummy {:fontFamily (:nested-text-font-family @app-settings) 
                        :fontSize (:nested-text-font-size @app-settings)}
                  order (:block/order nt)
                  id (:block/uid nt)]
              (if (= 0 (count (filter (comp #{(str/join ["ROAM_" (:block/uid nt) "_ROAM"])} :id) @text-elements)))
                (let [col (int (/ @counter (:nested-text-rows @app-settings)))
                      row (mod @counter (:nested-text-rows @app-settings))
                      x (+ (:nested-text-start-left @app-settings) (* col (:nested-text-col-width @app-settings)))
                      y (+ (:nested-text-start-top @app-settings) (* row (:nested-text-row-height @app-settings)))  
                      text-measures (js->clj (.measureText js/ExcalidrawWrapper text dummy))]
                  ;;(debug ["(update-drawing-based-on-nested-blocks) add new: text" text "id" id])
                  (reset! text-elements 
                            (conj @text-elements 
                                  {:y y
                                    :baseline (get text-measures "baseline")
                                    :isDeleted false
                                    :strokeStyle "solid":roughness 1
                                    :width (get text-measures "width")
                                    :type "text"
                                    :strokeSharpness "sharp"
                                    :fillStyle "hachure"
                                    :angle 0
                                    :groupIds []
                                    :seed 1
                                    :fontFamily (:nested-text-font-family @app-settings)
                                    :boundElementIds []
                                    :strokeWidth 1
                                    :opacity 100
                                    :id (str/join ["ROAM_" id "_ROAM"])
                                    :verticalAlign "top"
                                    :strokeColor "#000000"
                                    :textAlign "left"
                                    :x (+ x (* 5 (count order)))
                                    :fontSize (:nested-text-font-size @app-settings)
                                    :version 1
                                    :backgroundColor "transparent"
                                    :versionNonce 1
                                    :height (get text-measures "height")
                                    :text text}))                                

        {:elements (update-elements-with-parts {:raw-elements (:elements x) :text-elements @text-elements})
        :appState (:appState x)}
    {:elements (:elements x) :appState (:appState x)}

(defn generate-scene [x] ;{:drawing atom}]
  ;;(debug ["(generate-scene) enter" x])
  (update-drawing-based-on-nested-blocks {:elements (:elements (:drawing @(:drawing x)))
                                                      :appState (:appState (:drawing @(:drawing x)))
                                                      :nested-text (:text @(:drawing x))
                                                      :roamExcalidraw (:roamExcalidraw (:drawing @(:drawing x)))}))

;; Main Function Form-3
(defn resize [ew]
  ;;(debug ["(resize)"])
  (if-not (nil? @ew) (.onResize @ew)))

(defn update-scene [ew scene]
  ;;(debug ["(update-scene) scene: " scene])
  (if-not (nil? @ew) (.updateScene @ew scene)))

(defn get-drawing [ew]
  ;;(debug ["(get-drawing): " (.getDrawing js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper @ew)])
  (.getDrawing js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper @ew))

(defn host-div-style [cs]
  (let [width    (.-innerWidth js/window)
        height   (.-innerHeight js/window)
        top      (int (* height (:full-screen-margin @app-settings)))
        left     (int (* width (:full-screen-margin @app-settings)))
        host-div-width (if (nil? (:this-dom-node @cs)) (:max-embed-width @app-settings)
                         (.getHostDIVWidth js/ExcalidrawWrapper (:this-dom-node @cs)))
        embed-width (if (> host-div-width (:max-embed-width @app-settings)) 
                      (:max-embed-width @app-settings) host-div-width)
        embed-height (* (:max-embed-height @app-settings) (/ embed-width (:max-embed-width @app-settings)))
        ar (:aspect-ratio @cs)
        w (if (nil? ar) embed-width 
            (if (> ar 1.0) embed-width
              (* ar embed-height)))
        h (if (nil? ar @cs) "100%" 
            (if (> ar 1.0) "100%" 
              embed-height  ))]
    (if (is-full-screen cs)
      {:position "fixed"
      :z-index 1000
      :top top
      :left left
      :width  (str/join ["calc(100% - " (* left 2) "px)"]) 
      :height (- height (* top 2))
      :resize "none"}
      {:position "relative"
      :width w
      :height h
      :resize "both"
      :overflow "hidden"}

(defn going-full-screen? [x cs style]
  (if (= x true)
      (.fullScreenKeyboardEventRedirect js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper true)
      (swap! cs assoc-in [:position] full-screen-view)
      (swap! style assoc-in [:host-div] (host-div-style cs))
      (swap! cs assoc-in [:mouseover] false))
      (.fullScreenKeyboardEventRedirect js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper false)
      (swap! cs assoc-in [:position] embedded-view)
      (swap! style assoc-in [:host-div] (host-div-style cs)))))

;;state to capture when callback confirms React libraries have loaded
(def deps-available (r/atom false))

(defn check-js-dependencies []
  (if (and 
       (not= (str (type js/Excalidraw)) "")
       (not= (str (type js/ReactDOM)) "")
       (not= (str (type js/React)) "")
       (not= (str (type js/ExcalidrawConfig)) "")
       (not= (str (type js/ExcalidrawWrapper)) ""))
    (do (reset! silent (not (.-DEBUG js/ExcalidrawConfig)))
      (reset! deps-available true))
    (js/setTimeout check-js-dependencies 1000)
(defn get-embed-image [drawing dom-node app-name]
  (if (= (:img @app-settings) "PNG")
    (.getPNG js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper drawing dom-node app-name)
    (.getSVG js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper drawing dom-node app-name)

(defn main [{:keys [block-uid]} & args]
  ;;(debug ["(main) component starting..."])
  (let [drawing (r/atom nil)
        cs (r/atom {:position embedded-view  ;;component-state
                    :this-dom-node nil
                    :aspect-ratio nil
                    :mouseover false
                    :prev-empty-block nil}) ;; this is a semaphore system to avoid creating double nested blocks when manually creating the first nested element
        saving-flag (atom false)
        pull-watch-active (atom false)
        ew (r/atom nil) ;;excalidraw-wrapper
        app-name (str/join ["excalidraw-app-" block-uid])
        style (r/atom {:host-div (host-div-style cs)})
        resize-handler (fn [] (if (is-full-screen cs) 
                                (swap! style assoc-in [:host-div] (host-div-style cs))  
                                (if-not (nil? (:this-dom-node @cs)) 
                                  (swap! style assoc-in [:host-div] (host-div-style cs)))))
        ;changed-drawing (atom nil)
        drawing-on-change-callback (fn [x] (if-not @saving-flag
                                               {:block-uid block-uid 
                                                :map-string (js-to-clj-str x) 
                                                :cs cs
                                                :drawing drawing
                                                :saving-flag saving-flag}))))
        pull-watch-callback (fn [before after]
                              ;;(debug ["(pull-watch-callback) after:" (js-to-clj-str after)])
                              (if-not (or @saving-flag (is-full-screen cs) @pull-watch-active)
                                  (reset! pull-watch-active true)
                                  (let [drawing-data (pull-children block-uid 0)
                                        drawing-text (pull-children block-uid 1)
                                        empty-block-uid (re-find #":block/uid \"(.*)\", (:block/string \"\")" (str drawing-data))] ;check if user has nested a block under a new drawing
                                    (if-not (nil? empty-block-uid)
                                      (if-not (= (second empty-block-uid) (:prev-empty-block @cs))
                                          (swap! cs assoc-in [:prev-empty-block] (second empty-block-uid)) ;;semaphore to avoid double creation of blocks
                                          (create-nested-blocks {:block-uid block-uid 
                                                                  :drawing drawing 
                                                                  :empty-block-uid (second empty-block-uid)})
                                    (load-drawing {:block-uid block-uid 
                                                  :drawing drawing 
                                                  :data (get-data-from-block-string drawing-data) 
                                                  :text (first drawing-text)})
                                    (if-not (is-full-screen cs)
                                        (swap! cs assoc-in [:aspect-ratio] (get-embed-image (generate-scene {:drawing drawing}) (:this-dom-node @cs) app-name))
                                        (swap! style assoc-in [:host-div] (host-div-style cs)))))
                                  (reset! pull-watch-active false)
    (if (= @deps-available false)
    [:div "Libraries have not yet loaded. Please refresh the block in a moment."]
    (fn []
      ;;(debug ["(main) fn[] starting..."])
      { :display-name "Excalidraw Roam Beta"
        ;; Constructor
;           :constructor (fn [this props])
;           :get-initial-state (fn [this] )
        ;; Static methods
;           :get-derived-state-from-props (fn [props state] )
;           :get-derived-state-from-error (fn [error] )
        ;; Methods
;          :get-snapshot-before-update (fn [this old-argv new-argv] )
;          :should-component-update (fn [this old-argv new-argv])
        :component-did-mount (fn [this]
                                ;;(debug ["(main) :component-did-mount"])
                                (swap! cs assoc-in [:this-dom-node] (r/dom-node this))
                                ;;(debug ["(main) :component-did-mount addPullWatch"])
                                (.addPullWatch js/ExcalidrawWrapper block-uid pull-watch-callback)
                                (pull-watch-callback nil nil)
                                (swap! style assoc-in [:host-div] (host-div-style cs))
                                (.addEventListener js/window "resize" resize-handler)
                                ;;(debug ["(main) :component-did-mount Exalidraw mount initiated"])
        :component-did-update (fn [this old-argv old-state snapshot]
                                ;;(debug ["(main) :component-did-update"])
                                (if (is-full-screen cs)
                                  (resize ew)))
        :component-will-unmount (fn [this]
                                  ;;(debug ["(main) :component-will-unmount"])
                                  (.removePullWatch js/ExcalidrawWrapper block-uid pull-watch-callback)
                                  (.removeEventListener js/window "resize" resize-handler))
;           :component-did-catch (fn [this error info])
        :reagent-render (fn [{:keys [block-uid]} & args]
                          ;;(debug ["(main) :reagent-render"])
                            {:class "excalidraw-host"
                              :style (:host-div @style)
                              :on-mouse-over (fn[e] (swap! cs assoc-in [:mouseover] true))
                              :on-mouse-leave (fn[e] (swap! cs assoc-in [:mouseover] false)) }
                            (if-not (is-full-screen cs)
                                {:class "ex-embed-button"
                                :style {:display (if (:mouseover @cs) "block" "none")
                                        :left (if-not (nil? (:this-dom-node @cs)) 
                                                (- (.-clientWidth (:this-dom-node @cs)) 32) 
                                :draggable true
                                :on-click (fn [e]
                                            (going-full-screen? true cs style)
                                            (if (nil? (get-in @drawing [:nestedtext-parent :block-uid])) 
                                              (create-nested-blocks {:block-uid block-uid 
                                                                      :drawing drawing 
                                                                      :empty-block-uid nil}))
                                            (reset! ew (js/ExcalidrawWrapper.
                                                        (generate-scene {:drawing drawing})
                                                        (:this-dom-node @cs)
                                                        drawing-on-change-callback ))
                                                        ;(js/setTimeout autosave 10000)
                                {:class "ex-fullscreen-button"
                                :style {:left (- (.-clientWidth (:this-dom-node @cs)) 32)}
                                :draggable true
                                :on-click (fn [e]
                                            (.svgClipboard js/ExcalidrawWrapper)
                                            (going-full-screen? false cs style)
                                            (save-component {:block-uid block-uid 
                                                              :map-string (js-to-clj-str (get-drawing ew))
                                                              :cs cs
                                                              :drawing drawing
                                                              :saving-flag saving-flag})
                                            (swap! cs assoc-in [:aspect-ratio] (get-embed-image (get-drawing ew) (:this-dom-node @cs) app-name))
                              {:id app-name
                              :style {:position "relative" :width "100%" :height "100%"}}

(ns excalidraw.data.alpha.v01)

(def silent true)
(defn debug [x] 
  (if-not silent (apply (.-log js/console) x)))

(defn main2 [{:keys [block-uid]}  args]
  (debug ["data: " args])
  [:div [:span.excalidraw-data "Excalidraw DATA"]])
{:appState {:currentItemFontFamily 1, :isBindingEnabled true, :currentItemRoughness 1, :zoom {:value 0.8, :translation {:x 152.5999999999999, :y 79.19999999999993}}, :zenModeEnabled false, :lastPointerDownWith "mouse", :isLibraryOpen false, :scrollX 0, :scrolledOutside false, :scrollY -25, :exportBackground true, :showStats false, :suggestedBindings [], :name "Untitled-2021-05-27-2054", :viewBackgroundColor "ffffff", :currentItemFillStyle "hachure", :width 1164, :shouldCacheIgnoreZoom false, :currentItemStrokeSharpness "sharp", :selectedGroupIds {}, :isRotating false, :pasteDialog {:shown false, :data nil}, :offsetLeft 18, :currentItemStrokeWidth 1, :currentItemBackgroundColor "transparent", :elementType "selection", :offsetTop 10, :theme "light", :exportWithDarkMode false, :currentItemTextAlign "left", :currentItemLinearStrokeSharpness "round", :currentItemOpacity 100, :exportEmbedScene false, :currentItemStrokeColor "000000", :isLoading false, :currentItemFontSize 20, :elementLocked false, :currentChartType "bar", :shouldAddWatermark false, :currentItemEndArrowhead "arrow", :previousSelectedElementIds {:HP34wObisnv9HLwtFMTtV true}, :viewModeEnabled false, :isResizing false, :showHelpDialog false, :height 647, :currentItemStrokeStyle "solid", :cursorButton "up"}, :roamExcalidraw {:version 1}, :elements [{:y 104.96034240722656, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 196.51910400390625, :type "rectangle", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1961152207, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "0d41hkWBerTDnB4MlgQGQ", :strokeColor "000000", :x 597.7858123779296, :version 199, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 401170472, :height 35.35868835449219} {:y 142.71205139160156, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 231.62469482421875, :type "rectangle", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 873844783, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "RKcwPNILcJjnUaXUqBJvE", :strokeColor "000000", :x 562.394805908203, :version 179, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 1039799896, :height 48.95811462402344} {:y 194.0578269958496, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 258.6627197265625, :type "rectangle", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 967910319, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "2fL20lpRiHvmzfq3wdPP4", :strokeColor "000000", :x 536.7185974121093, :version 196, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 1192958760, :height 47.177459716796875} {:y 240.89492416381836, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 307.20965576171875, :type "rectangle", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1793073057, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "nNDP6Im3jxttX4ZYigZVp", :strokeColor "000000", :x 487.2685546874999, :version 160, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 538282840, :height 38.4932861328125} {:y 280.4719886779785, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 384.31011962890625, :type "rectangle", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1529276847, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "d3e6o_D7suy4jLUtb48sL", :strokeColor "000000", :x 410.70492553710926, :version 155, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 1046312488, :height 40.593475341796875} {:y 324.7212715148926, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 464.79766845703125, :type "rectangle", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 16640673, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "HWAK2-V_SUY64nX2oV5-i", :strokeColor "000000", :x 332.8465118408202, :version 147, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 2029674584, :height 40.19110107421875} {:y 366.5802803039551, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 543.7197875976562, :type "rectangle", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1256555521, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "jCYiVpek47An7k4OQAre4", :strokeColor "000000", :x 254.79930114746094, :version 168, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 1922855208, :height 32.08953857421875} {:y 400.7959785461426, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 621.2939758300781, :type "rectangle", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1224060225, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "i_sr5BlyZvUT7Dx2FYOjo", :strokeColor "000000", :x 173.82098388671875, :version 226, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 2089161048, :height 45.641204833984375} {:y 446.6923294067383, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 654.0537872314453, :type "rectangle", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1431022191, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "mLgru1vOHVWPtV3RMox-y", :strokeColor "000000", :x 140.33084106445312, :version 276, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 1696852568, :height 52.36700439453125} {:y 499.61326599121094, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 685.0969848632812, :type "rectangle", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1003129871, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "7zpQa2H-kGFyoAORxZJLZ", :strokeColor "000000", :x 108.60432434082031, :version 165, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 328243544, :height 44.18501281738281} {:y 104.98355102539062, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 251.12469482421875, :type "rectangle", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 871321313, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "1hBZ88gry4BBxTHau54JZ", :strokeColor "000000", :x 794.7753601074219, :version 157, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 108457000, :height 445.94377136230463} {:y 512.943775177002, :baseline 21, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 140, :type "text", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1, :fontFamily 1, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "ROAM_DrJ443mKW_ROAM", :verticalAlign "top", :strokeColor "000000", :textAlign "left", :x 635.1720886230469, :fontSize 20, :version 303, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 71056984, :height 28, :text "第十章期间计算"} {:y 462.72856521606445, :baseline 21, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 140, :type "text", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1, :fontFamily 1, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "ROAM_9EkMMoVYC_ROAM", :verticalAlign "top", :strokeColor "000000", :textAlign "left", :x 626.9279479980469, :fontSize 20, :version 291, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 904443944, :height 28, :text "第九章诉讼时效"} {:y 414.63098526000977, :baseline 21, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 140, :type "text", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1, :fontFamily 1, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "ROAM_Se-H_lYE6_ROAM", :verticalAlign "top", :strokeColor "000000", :textAlign "left", :x 612.7770538330078, :fontSize 20, :version 308, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 1975200088, :height 28, :text "第八章民事责任"} {:y 369.5413246154785, :baseline 21, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 100, :type "text", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1, :fontFamily 1, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "ROAM_nUumZy81O_ROAM", :verticalAlign "top", :strokeColor "000000", :textAlign "left", :x 650.7830810546875, :fontSize 20, :version 239, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 258383144, :height 28, :text "第七章代理"} {:y 330.3670234680176, :baseline 21, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 180, :type "text", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1, :fontFamily 1, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "ROAM_SjOsmZrPV_ROAM", :verticalAlign "top", :strokeColor "000000", :textAlign "left", :x 595.5289611816405, :fontSize 20, :version 255, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 1333490776, :height 28, :text "第六章民事法律行为"} {:y 290.9044380187988, :baseline 21, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 140, :type "text", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1, :fontFamily 1, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "ROAM_wjfjOuB1Y_ROAM", :verticalAlign "top", :strokeColor "000000", :textAlign "left", :x 632.9170074462891, :fontSize 20, :version 236, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 1409098280, :height 28, :text "第五章民事权利"} {:y 248.89802169799805, :baseline 21, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 160, :type "text", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1, :fontFamily 1, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "ROAM_yLlqJhRFy_ROAM", :verticalAlign "top", :strokeColor "000000", :textAlign "left", :x 619.4634246826172, :fontSize 20, :version 229, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 1445535576, :height 28, :text "第四章非法人组织"} {:y 204.60577011108398, :baseline 21, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 100, :type "text", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1, :fontFamily 1, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "ROAM__0Or9kaKI_ROAM", :verticalAlign "top", :strokeColor "000000", :textAlign "left", :x 654.0269165039062, :fontSize 20, :version 227, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 574637864, :height 28, :text "第三章法人"} {:y 152.8798484802246, :baseline 21, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 120, :type "text", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1, :fontFamily 1, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "ROAM_7kjHwZ4Wj_ROAM", :verticalAlign "top", :strokeColor "000000", :textAlign "left", :x 642.4361419677734, :fontSize 20, :version 213, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 1945119320, :height 28, :text "第二章自然人"} {:y 106.3178939819336, :baseline 21, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 140, :type "text", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1, :fontFamily 1, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "ROAM_TJCHU-9y9_ROAM", :verticalAlign "top", :strokeColor "000000", :textAlign "left", :x 644.2774047851562, :fontSize 20, :version 238, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 1531186216, :height 28, :text "第一章基本规定"} {:y 290.4602584838867, :baseline 21, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 160, :type "text", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 130728929, :fontFamily 1, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "ROAM_OsCs_bb8D_ROAM", :verticalAlign "top", :strokeColor "000000", :textAlign "left", :x 841.7460174560547, :fontSize 20, :version 280, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 1210887000, :height 28, :text "民法典第一编总则"}]} }}

(ns excalidraw.app.beta.v09
   [clojure.set :as s]
   [reagent.core :as r]
   [roam.datascript :as rd]
   [roam.block :as block]
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [clojure.edn :as edn]
   [roam.util :as util]
   [roam.datascript.reactive :as dr]
   [clojure.pprint :as pp]))

(def plugin-version 1)
(def app-page "roam/excalidraw")
(def app-settings-block "Settings")
(def app-setting-uid "Excal_SET")
(def default-app-settings {:mode "light"
                           :img  "SVG"
                           :full-screen-margin 0.015
                           :max-embed-width 600
                           :max-embed-height 400
                           :nested-text-rows 20
                           :nested-text-row-height 40
                           :nested-text-col-width 400
                           :nested-text-start-top 40
                           :nested-text-start-left 320
                           :nested-text-font-size 20
                           :nested-text-font-family 1})
(def app-settings (r/atom default-app-settings))

;; util functions
(def silent (r/atom false))
(defn debug [x]
  (if-not @silent (apply (.-log js/console) "<<< Roam-Excalidraw Main cljs >>>" x)))

(def embedded-view "ev")
(def full-screen-view "fs")
(defn is-full-screen [cs]  ;;component-state
  (not= (:position @cs) embedded-view))

(defn create-block [parent-uid order block-string]
  (.createBlock js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper parent-uid order block-string))

(defn block-update [x]
  (.updateBlock js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper x))

(defn pretty-settings [x]
  (let [y (into (sorted-map) (sort-by first (seq x)))]
    (-> (str y)
          (str/replace "{" "{\n")
          (str/replace ", " "\n")
          (str/replace "}" "\n}"))))

(defn get-next-block-order [x]
  (let [o (rd/q '[:find (max ?o) . 
                  :in $ ?uid
                  :where [?b :block/uid ?uid]
                         [?b :block/children ?c]
                         [?c :block/order ?o]]
    (if (nil? o) 0 (+ 1 o))

(defn save-settings []
  ;;(debug ["(save-settings) Enter"])
  (let [settings-host (r/atom (rd/q '[:find ?uid .
                                     :in $ ?page ?block
                                     :where [?p :node/title ?page]
                                            [?p :block/children ?b]
                                            [?b :block/string ?block]
                                            [?b :block/uid ?uid]]
                                    app-page app-settings-block))]
    (if (nil? @settings-host)
        ;;(debug ["(save-settings) settings host does not exist"])
        (reset! settings-host
            (rd/q '[:find ?uid . 
                    :in $ ?page
                    :where [?p :node/title ?page]
                           [?p :block/uid ?uid]]
            3 app-settings-block))))
    (let [settings-block (r/atom (rd/q '[:find ?uid .
                                         :in $ ?settings-host
                                         :where [?b :block/uid ?settings-host]
                                                [?b :block/children ?c]
                                                [?c :block/order 0]
                                                [?c :block/uid ?uid]]
      (if (nil? @settings-block)
          ;;(debug ["(save-settings) settings-block does not exist"])
          (create-block @settings-host 0 (pretty-settings @app-settings)))
          ;;(debug ["(save-settings) settings-block exists, updating"])
          (block-update {:block {:uid @settings-block 
                                 :string (pretty-settings @app-settings)}}))))))

(defn js-to-clj-str [& x]
  ;;(debug ["(js-to-clj-str): x: " x (str x)])
  (let [res (-> x
              (str/replace #"\(#js"  "")
              (str/replace #"#js" "")
              (str/replace #"\}\}\)" "}}"))]

(defn fix-double-bracket [x]
  (str/replace x #"\[{2}" "[ ["))

(defn get-data-block-uid [x]
  (rd/q '[:find ?drawing-uid .
          :in $ ?uid
          :where [?e :block/uid ?uid]
                  [?e :block/children ?c]
                  [?c :block/order 0]
                  [?c :block/string ?s]
                  [(clojure.string/includes? ?s "((ExcalDATA))")]
                  [?c :block/uid ?drawing-uid]]

(defn pull-children [block-uid order]
  (rd/q '[:find (pull ?b [:block/uid :block/string {:block/children [:block/string :block/order :block/uid {:block/children ...}]}])
                                         :in $ ?block-uid ?order
                                         :where [?e :block/uid ?block-uid]
                                                [?e :block/children ?b]
                                                [?b :block/order ?order]]
                                         block-uid order))

(defn flatten-nested-text [nested-text level] 
  (let [result (atom nil)]
    (doseq [y nested-text]
      (let [order (str/join [level (pp/cl-format nil "~2,'0d" (:block/order y))])]
        (reset! result (conj @result {:block/string (:block/string y)
                                       :block/order order
                                       :block/uid (:block/uid y)}))
        (if-not (nil? (:block/children y)) 
          (reset! result (concat @result (flatten-nested-text (:block/children y) order))))
    ;;(debug ["flat-nest " (str @result)])
     (into [] (sort-by :block/order @result))

(defn get-text-blocks [x]
  (-> x
    (pull-children 1)
    (get-in [0 :block/children])
    (flatten-nested-text "")))

(defn get-text-elements [x]
  (filter (comp #{"text"} :type) x)

(defn get-block-uid-from-text-element [x]
  (second (re-find #"ROAM_(.*)_ROAM" (:id x)))

;;updates the :elements value of the drawing with nested text and updated object groups
(defn update-elements-with-parts [x] {:raw-elements [] :text-elements [] :groups []}
  (into [] (concat (into [] (remove (comp #{"text"} :type) (:raw-elements x)))  (:text-elements x)))

;;{:block-uid "BlockUID" :map-string "String" :cs atom :drawing atom}
(defn save-component [x] 
  ;;Disable the pullWatch while blocks are edited
  (reset! (:saving-flag x) true) 
  ;;(debug ["(save-component) Enter"])

  (let [data-block-uid (get-data-block-uid (:block-uid x))
        edn-map (edn/read-string (:map-string x))
        text-elements (r/atom nil)
        ;;get text blocks nested under title
        nestedtext-parent-block-uid (get-in @(:drawing x) [:nestedtext-parent :block-uid])
        nested-text-blocks (get-text-blocks (:block-uid x)) 
        app-state (into {} (filter (comp some? val) (:appState edn-map)))] ;;remove nil elements from appState
    ;;process text on drawing
    ;;(debug ["(save-component) start processing text"])
    (doseq [y (get-text-elements (:elements edn-map))]
      (if (:isDeleted y)
        (if (str/starts-with? (:id y) "ROAM_")
          (block/delete {:block {:uid (get-block-uid-from-text-element y)}})
        (if (str/starts-with? (:id y) "ROAM_")
          (do ;;block with text should already exist, update text, but double check that the block is there...
            ;;(debug ["(save-component) nested block should exist text:" (:text y) "block-id" (get-block-uid-from-text-element y)])
            (let [text-block-uid (get-block-uid-from-text-element y)
                  nested-block (filter (comp #{text-block-uid} :block/uid) nested-text-blocks)]
              (if-not (= 0 (count nested-block))
                (do ;;block exists
                  ;;(debug ["(save-component) block exists, updateing"])
                  (if-not (= (:block/string (first nested-block)) (:text y))
                    (block-update {:block {:uid text-block-uid :string (:text y)}}))
                  (reset! text-elements (conj @text-elements y))
                (do ;block no-longer exists, create new one
                  ;;(debug ["(save-component) block should, but does not exist, creating..."])
                  (let [new-block-uid (.createBlock js/ExcalidrawWrapper nestedtext-parent-block-uid (get-next-block-order nestedtext-parent-block-uid) (:text y))]
                    (reset! text-elements (conj @text-elements (assoc-in y [:id] (str/join ["ROAM_" new-block-uid "_ROAM"]))))
          (do ;;block with text does not exist as nested block, create new
            ;;(debug ["(save-component) block does not exists, creating"])
            (let [new-block-uid (.createBlock js/ExcalidrawWrapper nestedtext-parent-block-uid (get-next-block-order nestedtext-parent-block-uid) (:text y))]
              (reset! text-elements (conj @text-elements (assoc-in y [:id] (str/join ["ROAM_" new-block-uid "_ROAM"])))) 
              (reset! text-elements (conj @text-elements (assoc-in y [:isDeleted] true))) 

    ;;(debug ["(save-component) text-blocks with updated IDs" (str @text-elements)])
    ;;updating the data block is the final piece in saving the component
    (let [elements (update-elements-with-parts {:raw-elements (:elements edn-map) :text-elements @text-elements})  
          out-string (fix-double-bracket (str {:elements elements :appState app-state :roamExcalidraw {:version plugin-version}}))
          render-string (str/join ["{{roam/render: ((ExcalDATA)) " out-string " }}"])]
        {:block {:uid data-block-uid
                :string render-string}}) 
      (swap! app-settings assoc-in [:mode] (get-in app-state [:theme]))
      (reset! (:saving-flag x) false)
      {:elements elements :appState app-state :roamExcalidraw {:version plugin-version}}                                      

(defn load-settings []
  ;;(debug ["(load-settings) Enter"])
  (let [settings-block (rd/q '[:find ?settings .
                              :in $ ?page ?block
                              :where [?p :node/title ?page]
                                     [?p :block/children ?b]
                                     [?b :block/string ?block]
                                     [?b :block/children ?c]
                                     [?c :block/order 0]
                                     [?c :block/string ?settings]]
                            app-page app-settings-block)]
    (if-not (nil? settings-block)
        ;;(debug ["(load-settings) settings: " settings-block])
        (reset! app-settings (edn/read-string settings-block))
        (if (nil? @app-settings)
          (reset! app-settings default-app-settings))
        (doseq [key (keys default-app-settings)]
          (if (nil? (key @app-settings))
            (swap! app-settings assoc-in [key] (key default-app-settings))))))))

;; Load data from nested block(s)

;;finds the json enclosed in double parentheses and returns it
(defn get-data-from-block-string [x]
  ;;(debug ["(get-data-from-block-string)" (count x)])
  (if (= (count x) 0)
      ;;(debug ["(get-data-from-block-string) returning nil"])
      (let [data-string (get-in (first x) [0 :block/string])
            return-string (second (re-find #"ExcalDATA\){2}\s*(\{.*\})\s*\}{2}" data-string))]
        ;;;(debug ["(get-data-from-block-string) returning: " retrun-string])
        (edn/read-string return-string)))))

(defn create-nested-blocks [x]; {:block-uid "BlockUID" :drawing atom :empty-block-uid "BlockUID"}
;;block uid is the block of the roam/render component
;;empty block is the block created by the user by trying to nest text under 
;;a new drawing that hasn't been edited yet (i.e. the data and title children
;;are missing)
  ;;(debug ["(create-nested-blocks)"])
  (let [default-data {:appState {:theme (:mode @app-settings)}
                      :roamExcalidraw {:version 1}}]
    (create-block (:block-uid x) 0 (str/join ["{{roam/render: ((ExcalDATA)) "
                                (str default-data) " }}"]))
    (reset! (:drawing x) {:drawing default-data 
                          :nestedtext-parent {:block-uid (create-block (:block-uid x) 1 "**Text nested here will appear on your drawing:**")}})
    (if (nil? (:empty-block-uid x)) 
      (block-update {:block {:uid (:block-uid x) :open false}}) ;;fold up the drawing block to hide children
      (block/move {:location {:parent-uid (get-in @(:drawing x) [:nestedtext-parent :block-uid]) ;;move new block under nested text
                            :order 0}
                 :block {:uid (:empty-block-uid x)}}))

(defn load-drawing [x] ;{:block-uid "BlockUID" :drawing atom :data objects :text "text"} 
;drawing is the atom holding the drawing map
;block uid is the block with the roam/render component
;data are the drawing objects
;text are the nested text blocks
  ;;(debug ["(load-drawing) enter"])
  (if (= (count (:data x)) 0)
        ;;(debug ["(load-drawing) no children - creating dummy data"])
        (let [default-data {:appState {:theme (:mode @app-settings)}
                            :roamExcalidraw {:version 1}}]
          (reset! (:drawing x) {:drawing default-data 
                                :nestedtext-parent {:block-uid nil}})
      (if (= (count (:text x)) 0)
          ;;(debug ["(load-drawing) create title only"])
          (reset! (:drawing x) {:drawing (:data x)
                                :nestedtext-parent {:block-uid (create-block (:block-uid x) 1 "**Text nested here will appear on your drawing:**")}})
          (block-update {:block {:uid (:block-uid x) :open false}})
          ;;(debug ["(load-drawing) ExcalDATA & title already exist"])
          (reset! (:drawing x) {:drawing (:data x)
                                :nestedtext-parent {:block-uid  (get-in (:text x) [0 :block/uid])}
                                :text (get-in (:text x) [0 :block/children])})
  ;;(debug ["(load-drawing) drawing: " @(:drawing x) " data: " (:data x) " text: " (str (:text x)) "theme " (get-in (:data x) [:appState :theme])])

;;check if text in nested block has changed compared to drawing and updated text in drawing element including size
(defn update-drawing-based-on-nested-blocks [x] ;{:elements [] :appState {} :nested-text [:block/uid "BlockUID" :block/string "text"]}
  ;;(debug ["(update-drawing-based-on-nested-blocks) Enter x:" x])
  (if-not (nil? (:nested-text x)) 
      (let [text-elements (r/atom nil)
            nested-text (flatten-nested-text (:nested-text x) "")]   
      ;;(debug ["(update-drawing-based-on-nested-blocks) processing nested text - apply changes to existing text elements, omit deleted ones"])
        ;;update elements on drawing based on changes to nested text
        (doseq [y (get-text-elements (:elements x))]
          (let [block-uid (get-block-uid-from-text-element y)
                block-text (:block/string (first (filter (comp #{block-uid} :block/uid) nested-text)))
                text-element-has-nested-block-pair (= 0 (count (filter (comp #{block-uid} :block/uid) nested-text)))]
            ;;add text to drawing if text element has a nested block pair, 
            (if (not text-element-has-nested-block-pair)  
                ;if text has changed, update measures
                (if-not (= block-text (:text y)) 
                  (let [text-measures (js->clj (.measureText js/ExcalidrawWrapper block-text y))]
                    (reset! text-elements 
                              (conj @text-elements 
                                      (-> y 
                                        (assoc-in [:text] block-text)
                                        (assoc-in [:baseline] (get text-measures "baseline"))
                                        (assoc-in [:width] (get text-measures "width"))
                                        (assoc-in [:height] (get text-measures "height"))
                  ;;else add to list as-is 
                  (reset! text-elements (conj @text-elements y))))
              ;;else it should be removed from the drawing
              ;;unless the drawing is from an old version of the plugin when nested blocks weren't handled
              (if (< (get-in x [:roamExcalidraw :version]) 1) 
                (reset! text-elements (conj @text-elements y)))
        ;;(debug ["(update-drawing-based-on-nested-blocks) processing nested text - add new nested blocks"])
        ;;add text for newly nested blocks
        (let [counter (atom -1)]
          (doseq [nt nested-text]
            (swap! counter inc)
            (let [text (:block/string nt)
                  dummy {:fontFamily (:nested-text-font-family @app-settings) 
                        :fontSize (:nested-text-font-size @app-settings)}
                  order (:block/order nt)
                  id (:block/uid nt)]
              (if (= 0 (count (filter (comp #{(str/join ["ROAM_" (:block/uid nt) "_ROAM"])} :id) @text-elements)))
                (let [col (int (/ @counter (:nested-text-rows @app-settings)))
                      row (mod @counter (:nested-text-rows @app-settings))
                      x (+ (:nested-text-start-left @app-settings) (* col (:nested-text-col-width @app-settings)))
                      y (+ (:nested-text-start-top @app-settings) (* row (:nested-text-row-height @app-settings)))  
                      text-measures (js->clj (.measureText js/ExcalidrawWrapper text dummy))]
                  ;;(debug ["(update-drawing-based-on-nested-blocks) add new: text" text "id" id])
                  (reset! text-elements 
                            (conj @text-elements 
                                  {:y y
                                    :baseline (get text-measures "baseline")
                                    :isDeleted false
                                    :strokeStyle "solid":roughness 1
                                    :width (get text-measures "width")
                                    :type "text"
                                    :strokeSharpness "sharp"
                                    :fillStyle "hachure"
                                    :angle 0
                                    :groupIds []
                                    :seed 1
                                    :fontFamily (:nested-text-font-family @app-settings)
                                    :boundElementIds []
                                    :strokeWidth 1
                                    :opacity 100
                                    :id (str/join ["ROAM_" id "_ROAM"])
                                    :verticalAlign "top"
                                    :strokeColor "#000000"
                                    :textAlign "left"
                                    :x (+ x (* 5 (count order)))
                                    :fontSize (:nested-text-font-size @app-settings)
                                    :version 1
                                    :backgroundColor "transparent"
                                    :versionNonce 1
                                    :height (get text-measures "height")
                                    :text text}))                                

        {:elements (update-elements-with-parts {:raw-elements (:elements x) :text-elements @text-elements})
        :appState (:appState x)}
    {:elements (:elements x) :appState (:appState x)}

(defn generate-scene [x] ;{:drawing atom}]
  ;;(debug ["(generate-scene) enter" x])
  (update-drawing-based-on-nested-blocks {:elements (:elements (:drawing @(:drawing x)))
                                                      :appState (:appState (:drawing @(:drawing x)))
                                                      :nested-text (:text @(:drawing x))
                                                      :roamExcalidraw (:roamExcalidraw (:drawing @(:drawing x)))}))

;; Main Function Form-3
(defn resize [ew]
  ;;(debug ["(resize)"])
  (if-not (nil? @ew) (.onResize @ew)))

(defn update-scene [ew scene]
  ;;(debug ["(update-scene) scene: " scene])
  (if-not (nil? @ew) (.updateScene @ew scene)))

(defn get-drawing [ew]
  ;;(debug ["(get-drawing): " (.getDrawing js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper @ew)])
  (.getDrawing js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper @ew))

(defn host-div-style [cs]
  (let [width    (.-innerWidth js/window)
        height   (.-innerHeight js/window)
        top      (int (* height (:full-screen-margin @app-settings)))
        left     (int (* width (:full-screen-margin @app-settings)))
        host-div-width (if (nil? (:this-dom-node @cs)) (:max-embed-width @app-settings)
                         (.getHostDIVWidth js/ExcalidrawWrapper (:this-dom-node @cs)))
        embed-width (if (> host-div-width (:max-embed-width @app-settings)) 
                      (:max-embed-width @app-settings) host-div-width)
        embed-height (* (:max-embed-height @app-settings) (/ embed-width (:max-embed-width @app-settings)))
        ar (:aspect-ratio @cs)
        w (if (nil? ar) embed-width 
            (if (> ar 1.0) embed-width
              (* ar embed-height)))
        h (if (nil? ar @cs) "100%" 
            (if (> ar 1.0) "100%" 
              embed-height  ))]
    (if (is-full-screen cs)
      {:position "fixed"
      :z-index 1000
      :top top
      :left left
      :width  (str/join ["calc(100% - " (* left 2) "px)"]) 
      :height (- height (* top 2))
      :resize "none"}
      {:position "relative"
      :width w
      :height h
      :resize "both"
      :overflow "hidden"}

(defn going-full-screen? [x cs style]
  (if (= x true)
      (.fullScreenKeyboardEventRedirect js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper true)
      (swap! cs assoc-in [:position] full-screen-view)
      (swap! style assoc-in [:host-div] (host-div-style cs))
      (swap! cs assoc-in [:mouseover] false))
      (.fullScreenKeyboardEventRedirect js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper false)
      (swap! cs assoc-in [:position] embedded-view)
      (swap! style assoc-in [:host-div] (host-div-style cs)))))

;;state to capture when callback confirms React libraries have loaded
(def deps-available (r/atom false))

(defn check-js-dependencies []
  (if (and 
       (not= (str (type js/Excalidraw)) "")
       (not= (str (type js/ReactDOM)) "")
       (not= (str (type js/React)) "")
       (not= (str (type js/ExcalidrawConfig)) "")
       (not= (str (type js/ExcalidrawWrapper)) ""))
    (do (reset! silent (not (.-DEBUG js/ExcalidrawConfig)))
      (reset! deps-available true))
    (js/setTimeout check-js-dependencies 1000)
(defn get-embed-image [drawing dom-node app-name]
  (if (= (:img @app-settings) "PNG")
    (.getPNG js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper drawing dom-node app-name)
    (.getSVG js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper drawing dom-node app-name)

(defn main [{:keys [block-uid]} & args]
  ;;(debug ["(main) component starting..."])
  (let [drawing (r/atom nil)
        cs (r/atom {:position embedded-view  ;;component-state
                    :this-dom-node nil
                    :aspect-ratio nil
                    :mouseover false
                    :prev-empty-block nil}) ;; this is a semaphore system to avoid creating double nested blocks when manually creating the first nested element
        saving-flag (atom false)
        pull-watch-active (atom false)
        ew (r/atom nil) ;;excalidraw-wrapper
        app-name (str/join ["excalidraw-app-" block-uid])
        style (r/atom {:host-div (host-div-style cs)})
        resize-handler (fn [] (if (is-full-screen cs) 
                                (swap! style assoc-in [:host-div] (host-div-style cs))  
                                (if-not (nil? (:this-dom-node @cs)) 
                                  (swap! style assoc-in [:host-div] (host-div-style cs)))))
        ;changed-drawing (atom nil)
        drawing-on-change-callback (fn [x] (if-not @saving-flag
                                               {:block-uid block-uid 
                                                :map-string (js-to-clj-str x) 
                                                :cs cs
                                                :drawing drawing
                                                :saving-flag saving-flag}))))
        pull-watch-callback (fn [before after]
                              ;;(debug ["(pull-watch-callback) after:" (js-to-clj-str after)])
                              (if-not (or @saving-flag (is-full-screen cs) @pull-watch-active)
                                  (reset! pull-watch-active true)
                                  (let [drawing-data (pull-children block-uid 0)
                                        drawing-text (pull-children block-uid 1)
                                        empty-block-uid (re-find #":block/uid \"(.*)\", (:block/string \"\")" (str drawing-data))] ;check if user has nested a block under a new drawing
                                    (if-not (nil? empty-block-uid)
                                      (if-not (= (second empty-block-uid) (:prev-empty-block @cs))
                                          (swap! cs assoc-in [:prev-empty-block] (second empty-block-uid)) ;;semaphore to avoid double creation of blocks
                                          (create-nested-blocks {:block-uid block-uid 
                                                                  :drawing drawing 
                                                                  :empty-block-uid (second empty-block-uid)})
                                    (load-drawing {:block-uid block-uid 
                                                  :drawing drawing 
                                                  :data (get-data-from-block-string drawing-data) 
                                                  :text (first drawing-text)})
                                    (if-not (is-full-screen cs)
                                        (swap! cs assoc-in [:aspect-ratio] (get-embed-image (generate-scene {:drawing drawing}) (:this-dom-node @cs) app-name))
                                        (swap! style assoc-in [:host-div] (host-div-style cs)))))
                                  (reset! pull-watch-active false)
    (if (= @deps-available false)
    [:div "Libraries have not yet loaded. Please refresh the block in a moment."]
    (fn []
      ;;(debug ["(main) fn[] starting..."])
      { :display-name "Excalidraw Roam Beta"
        ;; Constructor
;           :constructor (fn [this props])
;           :get-initial-state (fn [this] )
        ;; Static methods
;           :get-derived-state-from-props (fn [props state] )
;           :get-derived-state-from-error (fn [error] )
        ;; Methods
;          :get-snapshot-before-update (fn [this old-argv new-argv] )
;          :should-component-update (fn [this old-argv new-argv])
        :component-did-mount (fn [this]
                                ;;(debug ["(main) :component-did-mount"])
                                (swap! cs assoc-in [:this-dom-node] (r/dom-node this))
                                ;;(debug ["(main) :component-did-mount addPullWatch"])
                                (.addPullWatch js/ExcalidrawWrapper block-uid pull-watch-callback)
                                (pull-watch-callback nil nil)
                                (swap! style assoc-in [:host-div] (host-div-style cs))
                                (.addEventListener js/window "resize" resize-handler)
                                ;;(debug ["(main) :component-did-mount Exalidraw mount initiated"])
        :component-did-update (fn [this old-argv old-state snapshot]
                                ;;(debug ["(main) :component-did-update"])
                                (if (is-full-screen cs)
                                  (resize ew)))
        :component-will-unmount (fn [this]
                                  ;;(debug ["(main) :component-will-unmount"])
                                  (.removePullWatch js/ExcalidrawWrapper block-uid pull-watch-callback)
                                  (.removeEventListener js/window "resize" resize-handler))
;           :component-did-catch (fn [this error info])
        :reagent-render (fn [{:keys [block-uid]} & args]
                          ;;(debug ["(main) :reagent-render"])
                            {:class "excalidraw-host"
                              :style (:host-div @style)
                              :on-mouse-over (fn[e] (swap! cs assoc-in [:mouseover] true))
                              :on-mouse-leave (fn[e] (swap! cs assoc-in [:mouseover] false)) }
                            (if-not (is-full-screen cs)
                                {:class "ex-embed-button"
                                :style {:display (if (:mouseover @cs) "block" "none")
                                        :left (if-not (nil? (:this-dom-node @cs)) 
                                                (- (.-clientWidth (:this-dom-node @cs)) 32) 
                                :draggable true
                                :on-click (fn [e]
                                            (going-full-screen? true cs style)
                                            (if (nil? (get-in @drawing [:nestedtext-parent :block-uid])) 
                                              (create-nested-blocks {:block-uid block-uid 
                                                                      :drawing drawing 
                                                                      :empty-block-uid nil}))
                                            (reset! ew (js/ExcalidrawWrapper.
                                                        (generate-scene {:drawing drawing})
                                                        (:this-dom-node @cs)
                                                        drawing-on-change-callback ))
                                                        ;(js/setTimeout autosave 10000)
                                {:class "ex-fullscreen-button"
                                :style {:left (- (.-clientWidth (:this-dom-node @cs)) 32)}
                                :draggable true
                                :on-click (fn [e]
                                            (.svgClipboard js/ExcalidrawWrapper)
                                            (going-full-screen? false cs style)
                                            (save-component {:block-uid block-uid 
                                                              :map-string (js-to-clj-str (get-drawing ew))
                                                              :cs cs
                                                              :drawing drawing
                                                              :saving-flag saving-flag})
                                            (swap! cs assoc-in [:aspect-ratio] (get-embed-image (get-drawing ew) (:this-dom-node @cs) app-name))
                              {:id app-name
                              :style {:position "relative" :width "100%" :height "100%"}}

(ns excalidraw.data.alpha.v01)

(def silent true)
(defn debug [x] 
  (if-not silent (apply (.-log js/console) x)))

(defn main2 [{:keys [block-uid]}  args]
  (debug ["data: " args])
  [:div [:span.excalidraw-data "Excalidraw DATA"]])
{:appState {:currentItemFontFamily 1, :isBindingEnabled true, :currentItemRoughness 1, :zoom {:value 1, :translation {:x 0, :y 0}}, :zenModeEnabled false, :lastPointerDownWith "mouse", :isLibraryOpen false, :scrollX 0, :scrolledOutside false, :scrollY 101, :exportBackground true, :showStats false, :suggestedBindings [], :name "Untitled-2021-05-28-0427", :viewBackgroundColor "ffffff", :currentItemFillStyle "hachure", :width 1164, :shouldCacheIgnoreZoom false, :currentItemStrokeSharpness "sharp", :selectedGroupIds {}, :isRotating false, :pasteDialog {:shown false, :data nil}, :offsetLeft 18, :currentItemStrokeWidth 1, :currentItemBackgroundColor "transparent", :elementType "selection", :offsetTop 10, :theme "light", :exportWithDarkMode false, :currentItemTextAlign "left", :currentItemLinearStrokeSharpness "round", :currentItemOpacity 100, :exportEmbedScene false, :currentItemStrokeColor "000000", :isLoading false, :currentItemFontSize 20, :elementLocked false, :currentChartType "bar", :shouldAddWatermark false, :currentItemEndArrowhead "arrow", :previousSelectedElementIds {:VXZLCMJwMBhdFPXdUpBRU true, :oxYdXVTGqQRTrFuJfUR6u true}, :viewModeEnabled false, :isResizing false, :showHelpDialog false, :height 647, :currentItemStrokeStyle "solid", :cursorButton "up"}, :roamExcalidraw {:version 1}, :elements [{:y 32.79255676269531, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 159.1697998046875, :type "rectangle", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 2121534248, :boundElementIds nil, :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "WQKBGtnVIKK5I2llLOGFR", :strokeColor "000000", :x 281.241943359375, :version 110, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 1266887464, :height 33.991058349609375} {:y 68.08065795898438, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 183.79354858398435, :type "rectangle", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1629910616, :boundElementIds nil, :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "b3ywQjUwQXGpvZkKNxLO0", :strokeColor "000000", :x 253.37588500976562, :version 160, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 1816115800, :height 38.92059326171875} {:y 108.79255676269531, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 216.22866821289062, :type "rectangle", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 489112872, :boundElementIds nil, :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "YW7MBVpidtnfEZL_2nGiX", :strokeColor "000000", :x 219.82769775390625, :version 176, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 1859020888, :height 46.7000732421875} {:y 156.38290405273438, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 250.55950927734375, :type "rectangle", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1723293528, :boundElementIds nil, :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "4rVfkVjWEGipeagQU84qg", :strokeColor "000000", :x 187.23077392578125, :version 173, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 13422376, :height 40.968292236328125} {:y 197.41531372070312, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 311.262939453125, :type "rectangle", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 709453912, :boundElementIds nil, :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "vg4WKssIS1O8rTPCdWJaP", :strokeColor "000000", :x 127.5936279296875, :version 118, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 1004278360, :height 46.594635009765625} {:y 243.48199462890625, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 352.63037109374994, :type "rectangle", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 680325416, :boundElementIds nil, :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "ZkpxEW4AvprbtwXYZVG6z", :strokeColor "000000", :x 86.15838623046875, :version 177, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 2099886120, :height 43.05084228515625} {:y 288.06597900390625, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 399.8999938964844, :type "rectangle", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1993720664, :boundElementIds nil, :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "HqsWlloxon3UB-NmX4Ita", :strokeColor "000000", :x 40.1524658203125, :version 138, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 1565815848, :height 49.199249267578125} {:y 31.209136962890625, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 164.26483154296875, :type "rectangle", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 730678104, :boundElementIds nil, :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "VXZLCMJwMBhdFPXdUpBRU", :strokeColor "000000", :x 439.60125732421875, :version 113, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 1638700072, :height 306.2294616699219} {:y 153.67214965820312, :baseline 21, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 60, :type "text", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 812839000, :fontFamily 1, :boundElementIds nil, :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "ROAM_irJJISTyY_ROAM", :verticalAlign "top", :strokeColor "000000", :textAlign "left", :x 476.96539306640625, :fontSize 20, :version 32, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 118639400, :height 28, :text "民法典"} {:y 40, :baseline 21, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 100, :type "text", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1, :fontFamily 1, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "ROAM_2XyP-BSCn_ROAM", :verticalAlign "top", :strokeColor "000000", :textAlign "left", :x 330, :fontSize 20, :version 1, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 1, :height 28, :text "第一编总则"} {:y 80, :baseline 21, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 100, :type "text", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1, :fontFamily 1, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "ROAM_9-w8kX_Rw_ROAM", :verticalAlign "top", :strokeColor "000000", :textAlign "left", :x 330, :fontSize 20, :version 1, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 1, :height 28, :text "第二编物权"} {:y 120, :baseline 21, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 100, :type "text", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1, :fontFamily 1, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "ROAM_oIK3Ekz44_ROAM", :verticalAlign "top", :strokeColor "000000", :textAlign "left", :x 330, :fontSize 20, :version 1, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 1, :height 28, :text "第三编合同"} {:y 161.93521118164062, :baseline 21, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 120, :type "text", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1, :fontFamily 1, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "ROAM_eAJmask2O_ROAM", :verticalAlign "top", :strokeColor "000000", :textAlign "left", :x 294.39849853515625, :fontSize 20, :version 24, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 622056280, :height 28, :text "第四编人格权"} {:y 203.42864990234375, :baseline 21, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 140, :type "text", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1, :fontFamily 1, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "ROAM_11I6PhVij_ROAM", :verticalAlign "top", :strokeColor "000000", :textAlign "left", :x 266.9223937988281, :fontSize 20, :version 35, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 52276312, :height 28, :text "第五编婚姻家庭"} {:y 250.38531494140625, :baseline 21, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 100, :type "text", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1, :fontFamily 1, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "ROAM_Psv8JFdMi_ROAM", :verticalAlign "top", :strokeColor "000000", :textAlign "left", :x 260.5595703125, :fontSize 20, :version 63, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 223628584, :height 28, :text "第六编继承"} {:y 298.7789001464844, :baseline 21, :isDeleted false, :strokeStyle "solid", :roughness 1, :width 140, :type "text", :strokeSharpness "sharp", :fillStyle "hachure", :angle 0, :groupIds [], :seed 1, :fontFamily 1, :boundElementIds [], :strokeWidth 1, :opacity 100, :id "ROAM_pVQ0XpQMV_ROAM", :verticalAlign "top", :strokeColor "000000", :textAlign "left", :x 214.13262939453125, :fontSize 20, :version 79, :backgroundColor "transparent", :versionNonce 1465296472, :height 28, :text "第七编侵权责任"}]} }}